This document explains the terms and expressions our Knowledge Base uses to discuss topics related to virtual production and Aximmetry.
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6 Degree-of-Freedom (6DOF)
6 Degree-of-Freedom describes how an object can move in 3D space. The '6 degrees' refer to linear movements (up/down, forward/backward, left/right) and rotational movements (pitch, roll, and yaw), while 'freedom' refers to the ability to perform any of these movements. The term 6 Degree-of-Freedom (6DOF) is often associated with Camera Tracking systems capable of providing position and rotation data.
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Camera Tracking
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Camera Calibrator
Introduction to Tracking
Ambient Occlusion (AO)
Ambient occlusion (also known as contact shadow) is a physical phenomenon that appears in surface regions where less ambient light can fall (i.e. where two objects physically meet, etc.). Computer-generated graphics reproducing the effect of ambient occlusion appear to be more realistic. A notable example of this is how Aximmetry can generate ambient occlusion for Billboards.
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NOTE: To learn more about this please refer to
Applications are computer software designed to perform specific tasks for an end user or another application. Aximmetry develops and offers several applications to create virtual production and facilitate virtual production-related works.
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Introduction to Which Aximmetry is Right for You
Aximmetry Software Package
In Aximmetry, a Billboard is a flat 2D virtual object used to project video content on its surface. It allows the integration of 2D content (e.g., a video input or an image) into a 3D environment, typically a 3D Virtual Studio Scene.
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Virtual Studio Scene
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
What is a Billboard
Camera Calibration
Camera Calibration is an umbrella term for Lens Calibration and Tracking Calibration. Aximmetry Camera Calibrator was designed to make these calculations.
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Lens Calibration
Tracking Calibration
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Camera Calibrator
Introduction to Tracking
Camera Tracking
Camera Tracking is the process of continuously measuring the position and rotation of a studio camera to determine its precise location and orientation in space. It requires a tracking system, which consists of the use of additional hardware (i.e. tracking device) and software (i.e. tracking software) to achieve this goal. The data (tracking data) generated by the process allows for the immediate recreation of the studio camera's movements in the virtual space, using its virtual counterpart, the virtual camera. In some cases, camera tracking may also include measuring the changes in the camera lens' parameters (i.e. Zoom, Focus, and/or Aperture).
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Camera Calibration
Lens Calibration
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Camera Calibrator
Introduction to Tracking
Capture Device / Capture Card
A capture device (i.e. a capture card) is hardware that physically connects to your computer. It converts the incoming video and/or audio signal (i.e. your studio camera's output) into a digital format your computer can recognize (and then use as an input). Capture devices can be internal (connected via PCIe slots in your computer) or external (connected via USB cables). Most virtual productions require a capture device to receive the camera's video output.
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Capture Cards
Chroma Keyer
A Chroma Keyer is the tool that realizes the Chroma Keying. It can be a physical device or software. Aximmetry has a native solution for Chroma Keying, but you can also choose to use Aximmetry with another third-party chroma keyer solution together, or to use Aximmetry as the third-party software to do the chroma keying. Chroma Keying is a common practice in virtual productions using green screen technology.
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Chroma Keying
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Green Screen
Using Aximmetry with an External Keyer
How to Use Aximmetry as External Keyer with Unity
Chroma Keying
Chroma Keying is the process by which a specified color range (chroma) is separated/isolated (keyed) from a video signal. In a green screen-based virtual production the background of the video signal is usually a solid green color. We use chroma keying to first separate/isolate this background, then replace it with a new arbitrary background.
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Chroma Keyer
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Keying Process
Keying Documents
Control Board
Similar to a physical control board, a control board in Aximmetry is an interface that displays a set of settings in a user-friendly and grouped manner. It’s like virtually creating a physical controller with buttons that have been programmed to your liking. You can also customize it in several ways, like adding/removing adjustable properties of your choice.
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Control Panel
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Control Board
Control Panel
On a Control Board, the settings are displayed in a grouped manner. These groups are called control panels, where each set of settings is displayed on a single panel. Control panels are useful to arrange the content of the control board in a systematic, easy-to-understand way. Their appearance and content are also customizable in several ways.
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Control Board
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Special Compound: Control Board
In virtual production, compositing is the process of combining 2D and 3D graphical objects. The result of this process is called the Composite, which is typically displayed as a 2D image/video. The Final Composite is the last rendered image that gets recorded in-, or output from Aximmetry. Aximmetry is capable of compositing almost anything, including compositing a 2D video (i.e. a studio camera's input) with a 3D virtual space (i.e. a Virtual Studio Scene) or 2D overlay graphics such as channel logos, crawls, infographics, etc.
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Virtual Studio Scene
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Green Screen
A Compound (originally named compound module) is a group of Modules and other compounds (you can place a compound in another compound, creating levels within the main compound) put together to serve a specific function, like the blending of the camera inputs with the virtual studio scene, to create a Composite image. Almost every content created in Aximmetry, including your production, is a Compound. Aximmetry ships with a library of pre-created compounds that cover most of our users’ needs.
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Grouping (Ctrl+G) is a way to create a Compound. It will pack all the selected Modules and Compounds into one new compound while maintaining the externally connected/exposed Input and Output Pins.
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Flow Editor
If we expose a Pin in the top-level Compound as an input Pin (connecting it to the left side of the Flow Editor), then it will be presented in a separate, so-called Dashboard panel. The parameters here are constantly visible regardless of the Modules you may select. The Dashboard is meant to make debugging processes easier and quicker.
NOTE: You can find the Dashboard on Aximmetry Composer's default layout (right edge), in the View menu on the menu bar, or by pressing F12 on the keyboard.
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Exposing area of input and output pins
An edition is a variation of a Product that offers a different set of Applications and/or set of features of the Application(s). Aximmetry offers three different types of editions (Studio, Professional, and Broadcast) in two product lines (SE, DE). This leads to a total of 6 different editions available.
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NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Aximmetry Editions
Aximmetry SE or DE?
Flow Editor
The Flow Editor is a node-based editing interface that displays the Flow Graph. In the Flow Editor, you can add Modules and Compounds and link them together to define your scene and logic, etc. The Flow Editor is always displayed in the central area of Aximmetry Composer.
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Flow Graph
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Basics of the Flow Editor
Flow Graph
Flow Graphs generally show the flow/direction of information between a set of basic blocks. In Aximmetry, the Flow Graph defines the Modules and their connections with a general flow of information from left to right. It allows for easy-to-use visual programming.
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Flow Editor
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Basics of the Flow Editor
Free-D Protocol
Free-D is an open-source protocol that sends camera position, rotation, zoom and focus data directly from a tracking device to a virtual reality production system. The use of Free-D protocol is a common choice for PT fluid heads and PTZ Cameras.
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Camera Tracking
PTZ Cameras
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Tracking Systems
Genlocking (generator locking) is a common technique where a Sync generator hardware is used to synchronize multiple data sources (i.e. camera and tracking systems). Genlocking ensures that the timing of the output of each genlocked device is the same throughout the production. Without this, the timing of the output signals would not be the same, even if the devices are running at the same frequency, as each device would use its own, independent timing hardware. When devices are synchronized by Sync generator hardware, they are said to be generator-locked or genlocked. When Aximmetry's output is part of the genlocked devices (via a capture card for example), it can ensure a constant Latency within the production.
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Latency / Delay
Interlaced scan refers to one of two common methods (Progressive being the other) for displaying a video image on an electronic display screen. This technique divides a video frame into two fields. One field contains all odd-numbered lines in the image; the other contains all even-numbered lines. They are refreshed alternating between the two (one cycle only refreshes half the video frame). A studio camera capturing video at 50 interlaced frames per second can output 25 "full" video frames in a second, although it scans and outputs 50 partial frames (fields) in that second. Interlaced signals have the letter ‘i’ at the end, to differentiate them from their Progressive counterparts, for example, 1080i or 1080 50i.
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NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Interlaced Video Signal
Latency / Delay
Latency (also referred to as delay) is the measure of the time difference between two signals. For example, your tracking data can arrive at the system sooner than the corresponding video signal. This will result in a non-synchronized movement in the virtual scene. Aximmetry can compensate for the latency of all input and output signals.
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Delays (for Green Screen Production/Tracked Camera Workflow)
In-to-Out Latency
LED Wall
In a physical studio environment, LED Walls are huge digital display devices. Their big size makes them ideal for creating an immersive experience for those present in the studio. LED Walls are built by fitting together small LED panels/tiles. They are controlled by an LED processor. For virtual production, they offer realistic reflections and accurate ambient lighting, among others. In Aximmetry, the term “LED Wall” on a Control Panel means a contiguous segment of your LED Wall structure.
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
LED Wall
Lens Calibration
Lens Calibration is the process of measuring a studio camera lens's intrinsic characteristics (such as its Field-Of-View, lens distortion, center shift, etc.) to recreate the studio camera lens's image characteristics in the virtual camera (the studio camera's virtual counterpart). This is necessary for precise blending of the camera input and virtual world. It is also crucial to achieve a precise Camera Tracking Calibration.
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Camera Calibration
Lens Encoder
Tracking Calibration
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Camera Calibrator
Introduction to Tracking
Lens Encoder
A Lens Encoder (Zoom/Focus Device) is a device that can provide Zoom, Focus, or Aperture information about the studio camera's lens. It is usually mounted next to the lens to provide a stable physical connection (necessary for correct measuring) between the encoder and the camera lens. Aximmetry can use the information provided by the lens encoder to determine the right zoom, focus, and/or aperture values for the virtual camera (the virtual counterpart of the physical studio camera) in the virtual scene.
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Lens Calibration
Camera Calibration
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Tracking Systems
Introduction to Tracking
Lens Encoders
Light Wrap
Light wrapping is a compositing technique used only for Green Screen Production, designed to blend the edges of keyed-out green screen footage with a background plate. When done correctly, light wrapping can help give realism to your scene. If overdone, it can make your footage look soft or unrealistic.
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Introduction to Green Screen Production
Marker as Virtual Reference Point
A Marker as a virtual reference point is used to compare the virtual and physical worlds' scale, dimension, and orientation. A typical use case for it is to evaluate the precision of the Camera Calibration. Paired with a physical reference point (e.g. the leg of a chair), markers are used to make any imperfection of the Camera Calibration easily noticeable. Markers are easy to use and fully customizable.
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Markers Visible
Marker as a Special Position in Animations
Markers are reference points that we can place in the Sequencer to indicate a special position in our animations. Each marker has a specific number, and they can be used for many editing purposes. Typical use-case examples are the “Jump To Marker” feature, where the playing position will jump to this position, and the “Halt At Marker” feature, where playing will always halt at a specific marker. This second option is the perfect tool when we want to play an animation in phases.
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
24. Marker
Modules (also called nodes) are the essence of Aximmetry Composer. They are small functionalities that perform specific operations within Aximmetry. They have adjustable parameters and provide results. They can also be linked together to create a complex operation. They are part of the Flow Graph and they can be edited in the Flow Editor, where they appear as graphical elements (colored boxes). Aximmetry offers a wide variety of modules for its users, like image and audio processors, mathematical and 3D render modules, etc., to create any function the virtual production requires.
NOTE: While 2D and 3D editor programs generally use the term 'Node', Aximmetry originally uses the term module, since the early versions of Aximmetry were visual synthesizers.
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Motion Capture
Motion Capture is a specialized object-tracking system that focuses on tracking human movements (in some cases, animals). It usually requires specialized suits to be worn by the tracked person and additional tracking devices to cover the area where the movement happens. Motion Capture can help to animate 3D virtual characters (i.e. metahumans, 3D scanned virtually recreated characters, etc.).
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A multi-machine setup means the use of multiple computers/workstations simultaneously to meet the requirements of a complex virtual production. For example, such requirements could be the need to simultaneously render a virtual scene from multiple perspectives (for previewing/streaming/recording the output of multiple cameras) or to Render high-resolution outputs for huge display devices (i.e. for the output of a big panorama LED screen).
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Introduction to Multi-Machine Environment
Pins and Connections
In Aximmetry, the terms nodes and Modules are used interchangeably (Modules being the native term). Nodes are Graphic User Interface (GUI) elements inside the Flow Editor.
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Object Tracking
Object tracking systems measure the position and rotation of an object in a defined area of space. They are designed for gaming and robotics but not for explicit Camera Tracking. They are a popular choice among many people for their easy application in a wide range of areas, as well as their good price/value ratio. They can be used for Camera Tracking since they provide position and rotation data, but unlike Professional Camera Tracking Systems, they cannot provide zoom and focus data. Aximmetry supports numerous object tracking systems both for camera and object tracking purposes.
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Camera Tracking
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Tracking Systems
Peeker is a feature, that creates a pop-up window where we can watch the current value of the data going into or coming out from a Pin, or traveling through a Wire. It can be displayed by holding down the Control key and moving the mouse over an output Pin of a module, a Wire, or an input Pin of a Module. In each case, we can watch the data currently going out, through, or in which allows for an easy way to find problems in the Flow Editor. For the cases where we constantly need to monitor a certain value, we can also use the Peeker modules.
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The colored dots on both (the input and output) sides of the modules are called “Pin” in the Aximmetry system. Input pins allow modules to receive external parameter(s), while output pins send out the result(s) to other modules (or out from Aximmetry Composer), making it possible to create complex operations. Most input pins allow you to have static value as well (see: Property), in case you edit them in the Pin Value Editor.
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NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Pins and Connections
We use the term product to name purchasable items that contain at least one Application with a well-defined set of features. Most of our products are available in our my.aximmetry webshop, while some either require contacting us at or can be purchased in Apple's Appstore.
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Progressive scan refers to one of two common methods (Interlaced being the other) for displaying a video image on an electronic display screen. A progressive scan draws every line of the picture in sequence. A studio camera capturing video at 50 progressive frames per second can output 50 full video frames in a second. Progressive signals have the letter ‘p’ at the end, to differentiate them from their Interlaced counterparts, for example, 1080p or 1080 60p.
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NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
What is a progressive video signal?
Property is an input Pin with a static value. In Aximmetry, most input Pins can have static values, that you can edit in the Pin Value Editor.
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NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Pins and Connections
PTZ Camera
The term PTZ stands for Pan-Tilt-Zoom, the signature feature of PTZ cameras. These cameras can be remotely controlled via software or remote controllers and can autonomously perform panning, tilting, and zooming tasks using their built-in servo motors. An increasing number of PTZ cameras - usually developed for Virtual Production - can also track and send their own Pan-Tilt-Zoom and Focus data to third-party Applications, like Aximmetry. PTZ cameras cannot report position data by themselves. They usually use the Free-D Protocol to send tracking data.
NOTE: To navigate to related articles in this document please refer to
Camera Tracking
Free-D Protocol
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Camera Calibrator
Introduction to Tracking
Rendering is the calculation of 2D, 3D, and Composite images based on set parameters and contents such as Images, Cameras, Lights, Surfaces, etc. It's usually set into two main categories:
- Real-time rendering,
- Offline rendering.
Aximmetry is capable of both rendering modes, though it's mostly used for real-time rendering, meaning instant output of rendered images at high framerate. Offline rendering can take a longer time, even hours per frame. This allows for higher-quality render images.
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Render Engine
Render Engine
A Render Engine is a part of an Applications that performs the Rendering task. Most render engines are paired with an editor application/user interface to edit the content to be rendered (i.e. Images, Lights, Surfaces, etc.). Aximmetry has two integrated render engines: a native Aximmetry render engine, and the Unreal render engine. Aximmetry SE editions are shipped with the native render engine, while the DE editions are shipped with both engines available.
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A sequence describes the changes in a set of parameters along a timeline. In Aximmetry, the use of sequences is one of many methods to create an animation. Each Pin value type that can be animated has its own specific sequence Module in the system. In some cases, sequences are also called tracks.
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Sequence Editor
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Sequencer and Sequence Editor
Sequence Editor
The Sequence Editor allows for the control and editing of sequences. In the Sequencer Editor, we can edit an arbitrary number of Sequences. This allows for the creation of complex animations.
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NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Sequencer and Sequence Editor
In computer graphics, a shader is a computer program that is generally used to calculate the appropriate levels of light, darkness, and color of a 3D model during the Rendering of a 3D scene. In practice, they are also used for processing images (e.g. adjusting their brightness, blurring the image, etc.). In Aximmetry, the name shader and material are interchangeable.
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We use the expression talent to refer to the person captured by the studio camera. It can be an actor/actress, a show's presenter, etc.
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Talent Tracking
Talent Tracking
Talent Tracking systems specialize in tracking the position, and sometimes the orientation of one or multiple Talents (i.e. show hosts, presenters, etc.) in a studio environment (typically on the Green Screen). Green screen-based virtual production by default does not allow much or any movement for the Talent standing on the green screen. Talent tracking systems provide data that changes this, allowing Talents to step in front or behind elements of the Virtual Studio Scene, for example.
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Tracking is the process of continuously measuring the position and rotation of an object/person to determine its precise location and/or orientation in space. It requires a tracking system, which consists of the use of additional hardware (i.e. tracking device) and software (i.e. tracking software) to achieve this goal. The data (tracking data) generated by the process allows for the immediate recreation of the captured movements in virtual space. Based on the target of tracking, multiple kinds of tracking systems are distinguished (such as Object Tracking, Camera Tracking, Talent Tracking, Motion Capture, etc.)
NOTE: PTZ cameras often have built-in tracking capabilities that negate the need for additional tracking hardware.
NOTE: To navigate to related articles in this document please refer to
Camera Calibration
Camera Tracking
Lens Calibration
Motion Capture
Object Tracking
Talent Tracking
Tracking Calibration
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Introduction to Tracking
Tracking Calibration
Tracking calibration measures the relative difference in position and rotation between a tracking system's point of measure and a studio camera's no-parallax point (close to the camera sensor). This is crucial to precisely determine the location and/or orientation of the studio camera.
NOTE: To navigate to related articles in this document please refer to
Camera Calibration
Camera Tracking
Lens Calibration
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Introduction to Tracking
It is the concept of sending an impulse-like signal. Using such signals you can start an event or make changes in the system. You can use Aximmetry's Flow Graph, external hardware, and third-party applications to provide triggers or do it manually. In Aximmetry, trigger-type Pins can appear as output and input Pins. Output Pins designate that an event within a Module has reached a specific state or has ended, while input Pins can start an event within a Module.
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Get Aximmetry Trigger
Editions and Applications of Aximmetry get updated regularly. To differentiate between the updates, we use version numbers to identify them (i.e. 2024.3.0). Version numbers (combined with the edition's information, like Aximmetry Broadcast DE 2024.3.0 for example) are useful to quickly determine whether a version of Aximmetry meets your production requirements, as the set of features and compatibility may expand from one version to the other.
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NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Software Version History
Virtual Studio Scene
Virtual Studio Scenes are sets of 3D-rendered models arranged in a virtual space. They typically represent set pieces, just like traditional filming and studio stages do. Unlike their traditional counterparts, Virtual Studio Scenes are easy and cheap (often costs no money and little-to-no time) to modify (even dynamically in real-time) and they even allow for the creation of physically unrealistic/impossible, highly artistic sets. Virtual Studio Scenes require a Render Engine and a computer/workstation to Render. It is usually paired with virtual studio software (like Aximmetry) to combine it with real-world elements (i.e. Talents).
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Render Engine
NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Introduction to Obtaining Graphics and Virtual Assets
A wire in Aximmetry is like a cable in a production environment that allows the establishment of a connection between two devices. In the Flow Editor, we use wires to connect Modules and Compounds at their Pins. This way, Modules and Compounds can communicate and push or pull data from each other, allowing for the creation of complex features/logic.
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NOTE: To learn more about it please refer to
Pins and Connections