The Flow Editor uses node-based graphs to process data.
The data usually flows from the left side to the right side.
Nodes are executed at the pace set by the Frame Rate.
The Flow Editor is located in the middle section of the Aximmetry Composer.
Exposing Area of Input and Output Pins
On the left side of the Flow Editor, you have an area where you can expose input pins. The exposed pins will appear on the Dashboard panel where they can be edited.
For example, the Speed pin of a Video Player module can be exposed on the left side, ensuring its value is always editable on the Dashboard panel:
NOTE: Adding data sources and streams, such as video and tracking, is performed using Module nodes, not by exposing pins on the left side.
On the right side of the Flow Editor, you have the area for exposing output pins. Any video pin connected out to this side can be considered as a Video Output:
Exposed Video Output Index
Exposed Video pins to the right side of the Flow Editor are automatically indexed. The index numbers follow the order of the video pins and are referred to as channels.
For example, in the Preview panels, you can select from these indexed channel numbers:
After exposing a video output, its corresponding audio output can also be exposed, as shown in the picture above.
These index numbers are used at the Video Output devices:
NOTE: In the Video Output devices, you configure the output index numbers, not channel index numbers. Generally, output indexes align with channel indexes. However, there are some ways to overwrite or change them, such as through the Edit > Preferences / Channel Matrix menu.
Multiple projects (compound or shader) can be opened at the same time, these are placed in separate tabs:
The play and stop buttons can run and stop a compound in the currently active tab. Only one compound can run at a time. The play indicator
shows which compound is running:
NOTE: Projects that are stopped can be modified, but the modules inside of them won't be executed. For example, pressing a trigger button inside a stopped project will have no effect.
Projects that are not saved are marked with a * symbol before the project's name:
To see what information or data is being transferred through a connection or being present in a pin, move the mouse cursor over a pin or connection while holding down the CTRL keyboard button:
Aximmetry supports most of the editing methods used in 3D editing software or node-based visual scripting software.
However, several editing methods are unique to Aximmetry.
There is an extensive list of editable keyboard shortcuts at Edit > Preferences / Keyboard Shortcuts.
Adding Nodes
Right-clicking with the mouse on the Flow Editor brings up various options:
- The Insert Module... option can add basic nodes to the Flow Editor, it is discussed in detail in the Module documentation.
- The Import File... option can import files like the File Browser panel.
- The New Simple Compound option is discussed in detail in the Compound documentation.
- The New Special Compound has the following special compounds:
- Pin Collector: Discussed in the Special Compound: Pin Collector documentation.
- Expression: Used to create mathematical equations or functions from text instead of multiple module nodes.
- Script: Can be used to create logic in the lightweight LUA scripting language.
- Particle Script: Can be used to create particle system logic in the LUA scripting language.
- MOS Runner: Enables Aximmetry to be used in programmed productions.
- Control Board: Discussed in the Special Compound: Control Board documentation.
- The Insert Note... and Hide Notes options are discussed in the Notes documentation.
Any file that the Flow Editor can utilize can be dragged and dropped into an open compound or shader. For example, video files, 3D models, text files, Aximmetry compounds, etc.:
NOTE: It is also possible to drag and drop from file explorer programs.
NOTE: You can also switch to the Module Type Browser panel on the left side, which allows you to drag and drop modules. This panel offers the same modules as the Insert Module... option when right-clicking in the Flow Editor.
Panning and Zooming
Holding down the middle mouse button enables one to pan the view:
NOTE: Hold down the CTRL while pressing the middle mouse button to zoom out to the maximum and move the entire view rectangle. This is useful for very large projects.
The mouse scroll wheel changes the zoom level:
NOTE: You can toggle between a maximized view of the Flow Editor by pressing down TAB.
Expanding Node's Pin List
By default, a node does not display every pin. Clicking on the three lines icon expands the module and shows all pins:
Only connected pins are shown.
Important and connected pins are shown.
All pins are shown.
Connecting Pins
Pins of a node can be connected by pressing down the left mouse button:
NOTE: We refer to connecting pins to the left or the right side of the Flow Editor as exposing.
Exposing Pins
When exposing pins, Aximmetry will name the pin based on the source of the pin if the mouse cursor is outside of the Flow Editor. For example, when the mouse cursor is over the Pin Values panel in the picture below:
If the mouse is inside the Flow Editor, Aximmetry will provide a pop-up window to name the exposed pin:
More about exposing in the Compound documentation.
Cloning Connections
You can clone a connection by holding down the ALT button on the keyboard.
This is especially useful in large projects with long connections when the source node of the connection is not visible in the current view of the Flow Editor.
Panning While Connecting
If the target of your connection is outside of the current view of the Flow Editor, then you can press CTRL to pan the view towards the mouse's position when the mouse is outside of the Flow Editor:
Expanding Pin List
When connecting to a shrunk node ( or
), pressing down the SHIFT button on the keyboard will reveal the connectable pins:
Disconnecting and Changing Pin Connections
Right-clicking with the mouse on a pin connection gives you the option to Disconnect it.
Also, it gives the option to Go To the source or the target, which can be useful in large compounds.
Disconnect or Change Target
It is also possible to disconnect or change a connection's end by dragging the connection:
Change Source
Changing a connection's start can be done by pressing down SHIFT before dragging the connection:
Multiple Disconnect
And another way to disconnect connections is by holding down the CTRL and SHIFT buttons while holding down the left mouse button:
Interacting with Nodes
It is possible to move nodes by holding down the left mouse button on them:
NOTE: The board of the Flow Editor is limitless in size, you can move nodes as far as you wish.
Nodes can be copied by holding down the ALT button while holding down the left mouse button:
Copy-pasting with CTRL + C and CTRL + V works too.
Nodes can be inserted into a connection by holding down the CTRL button while moving the node. The mouse cursor has to be exactly over the connection's line for it to work.
If multiple viable pins to connect exist, the Select Pins window will appear, allowing you to choose between the pins:
Holding SHIFT while inserting with CTRL will reconnect all connections from the source pin.
In a similar way, selecting a node and pressing the Delete keyboard button while holding down the CTRL button will delete the module but keep the connection.
By holding down the SHIFT key, you can snap nodes to each other in both the Flow Editor and Control Board. This makes your logic easier to read and visually more pleasing.
Horizontal Snapping
You can align the left side of one node to the left side of another node or the right side of one node to the right side of another node. Opposite sides of nodes can also be snapped while maintaining a gap distance:
Vertically Snapping
Nodes vertically can only be snapped at a predefined gap distance:
NOTE: You can only snap nodes to other nodes that are currently visible in the Flow Editor. By adjusting the zoom level in the Flow Editor, you can control which modules you are able to snap to.
Customizing Snapping
To turn off snapping, use the Enable snap by holding the Shift option found under Edit > Properties - Flow Editing.
To modify snapping behavior, you can change the snap sensitivity with the Snap distance option and adjust the gap distance with the Module gap snap options.
NOTE: These gap distances also apply when you drag and drop multiple files at once into the Flow Editor from a file explorer.
NOTE: You can use the Use Per-compound Settings to make these settings only apply to the opened compound instead of all compounds.
Multiple nodes can be selected at once by holding down CTRL while clicking or by dragging to create a marquee selection.
When dragging, hold SHIFT to add to the current selection, or hold CTRL to toggle nodes in or out of the selection:
You can move, copy, cut, and delete all the nodes in the selection simultaneously.
Multi-selected nodes can be connected to one common source node or exposed together.
Connect All Identical Pins
To easily connect output and input pins with the same name, follow these steps:
- Select exactly two nodes between which you want to connect the pins.
- Right-click on the node whose output pins you want to connect.
- From the context menu, choose "Connect All Identical Pins."
The output pins of the node you right-clicked will automatically connect to the corresponding input pins of the second node:
NOTE: Ensure that the names of the pins you wish to connect are identical for this function to work correctly.
Keep Selection in View
To move modules with the view panning, press CTRL + K when the modules are selected. Press CTRL + SHIFT + K to stop keeping the selection in the view:
It is possible to save a location inside the Flow Editor by using the CTRL + 1 .. 9 shortcuts and return to this position by using the SHIFT + 1 .. 9 shortcuts:
Bookmarking works inside edited compounds' hierarchy, groups, and Control Boards.
Bookmarks can be deleted by the CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + 1 .. 9 shortcuts.
Bookmarking shortcut keys can be changed in Edit > Preferences / Keyboard Shortcuts.