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Software Version History


► Latest: 2024.2.0

build 29692 / 2024-JUN-18


  • Improved rendering performance in cooked mode. Please note that the new optimized cook provides less error info, and does not allow creating a dump, for these use the (Debug) cooking mode. See info.
  • Added Iterative Cooking checkbox to the Aximmetry menu (enabled by default). This can be used to disable iterative cooking when it doesn't work correctly (e.g. in some cases when World Settings / World / Use External Actors is enabled). See info.


  • Added automatic IP finding of running Aximmetry instances on the local network.
  • The application can be used without login and Aximmetry as well. In this case, only the camera image can be transmitted via SRT by explicitly specifying the SRT addresses.


  • Fixed incorrect handling of UNC network paths as target folders, causing the error "Could not remove read-only attribute".


  • VirtualCam: added Edge Fade option to BILLBOARD panels to allow smooth transition on the edges of the billboard.
  • TrackedCam: added Mask Edge Fade option to STUDIO panel to allow smooth transition on the edges of the studio/window mask.
  • On the CAMERAS control boards applying Copy/Paste/Reset/Revert Settings on the CAMERA X PATH panels now includes the path data itself as well. E.g you can Copy / Paste the full path animations between cameras or scenes. Applying Save / Load Settings on the whole control board also includes path data.
  • LEDWallCam: added a separate AR OVERLAY panel to the LEDWALLS control board to contain all AR-related options, and additionally allow turning the AR on/off.
  • ARCam: added focus to the Record Data output and also exposed Focus as an output pin.
  • Various improvements on Delay Detector.


  • TrackedCam: fixed that Unreal clamped the FOV causing incorrect results when the camera FOV was too low, or too high.


  • TrackedCam: fixed that in recording playback mode there was a 1-frame delay when switching between cameras.
  • TrackedCam: removed unnecessary Engine parameters of INPUTS panels. From now on, it is solely determined by the Engine parameters of the SELECT CAMERA panel.
  • TrackedCam+AR: fixed that focus distance could not be controlled by Aximmetry.
  • LEDWallCam: fixed that LUT Measure and Auto Place did not work in multi-machine when the camera input was received by a satellite machine.
  • LEDWallCam+AR: fixed that AR was rendered in a low resolution when Digital Extension was off (now it works in conjunction with the new AR OVERLAY switch).
  • Fixed that Vignette Capture, Detect Origin, and Delay Detect did not work in multi-machine when the camera input was received by a satellite machine.
  • Fixed that Delay Detectors displayed the overlay layer incorrectly if the render frame size was not equal to the input video size.


  • Check For Updates window offers an option to also include beta releases when checking.
  • Deltacast SDK upgraded to v6.25.1. IMPORTANT: you have to update the Deltacast driver to v6.25.1 in order to use your Deltacast board with this version of Aximmetry.
  • Antilatency SDK upgraded to v4.3.0, supporting the latest pillar features. Please also upgrade AntilatencyService to the latest 4.2.0 before using with Aximmetry.
  • Added Stream ID and Enable audio options to SRT output configuration.
  • Added the "Connect All Identical Pins" command to the module context menu in Flow Editor when two modules are selected and they have pairs of pins with identical names and types. This is helpful e.g. when you make the connections between a camera compound and an Unreal project module.
  • Added "Stutter" option to Cannot keep latency behaviors in Preferences / Video Input. Also, it became the default setting. It allows displaying a lower framerate/stuttering output instead of a frozen image when latency cannot be kept.
  • Added chaining option to Switch Video Smooth module to allow switching between more than 16 inputs. Also, added a Force All option to enforce the execution of all input pins, including the chained ones.
  • When a manually sized note (Auto size is off) is moved in Flow Editor it also carries the modules and notes that are placed inside its rectangle. This provides an easy way to group modules.
  • Added Select All inside (Ctrl+Shift+A) operation to the note context menu to allow selecting all modules and notes inside the rectangle of the selected note(s). It makes it easier to cut, copy, delete, etc. the grouped items together.
  • Added Bring To Front and Send To Back operations to the note context menu to allow specifying a z-order of the notes.
  • Added "Change To Sequence Video" / "Change To Video Player" commands to the context menu of Video Player / Sequence Video modules to allow easy conversion of these modules into each other, e.g. when you add a video by drag-and-dropping, then you want to use the video as a track in a Sequencer.
  • Added option to use the WASD keys to move the camera in the scene editor. It is in File / Properties / Scene Editing. Note that the conflicting scene editing shortcuts will not work in this mode. Position reset shortcut 'D' has been changed to 'O'.
  • Added Mip Map Extractor module to allow getting a specific level from a mipmapped texture.
  • Renderer: added context menu to log panel to allow copy, clear, and setting level.
  • The Renderer now remembers which Preview and Peeker windows were open.
  • Set XXX Pin modules are capable of working from a remote renderer as well. The new Engine property determines which renderer they are active in.
  • Added warning message when a trigger is activated manually from the property editor, but the module is currently not in use (is on an inactive part of the graph), therefore the trigger had no effect.


  • Fixed occasional losing connection to the remote renderer in multi-machine when a large Unreal project was being loaded or unloaded.
  • Fixed that cooking could be started while in Live Sync mode. (This could cause the connection with Aximmetry to be lost.)
  • Fixed that no output was rendered in the editor in PIE mode when there was no connection with Aximmetry. Now the default output is rendered and a warning is displayed.
  • Fixed crash of Unreal Editor when a material with the Thin Translucent shading model was rendered.


  • Fixed that genlock was not accepted with Deltacast cards in certain cases.
  • Fixed that in the case of Blackmagic cards with one input and one output (e.g. Decklink SDI 4K), the I/O availability was handled incorrectly.
  • Fixed misleading "Port Limit Exceeded" message when a Blackmagic input was not available (was in use for output).
  • Fixed that unavailable devices (in use for the opposite direction) were still listed in the Device property of Video Input and Video Device Out modules. Also, added a specific error message for the case when an unavailable device is still selected.
  • Fixed crash of SRT input if the audio parameters changed on the fly, e.g. the number of channels decreased.
  • Fixed incorrect playback of AV1 10-bit video files in certain cases.
  • Fixed that the detected frame rate of some video files was incorrect in rare cases.
  • Fixed crackling of the audio if the output device was configured for a higher frame rate than the rendering frame rate.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of the "Use Master TC" option of Video Recorder when one of the INPUTS was used as Timecode Master, potentially causing an error message regarding the timecode.
  • Fixed that Aximmetry Packager could not create an xpack file larger than 4 GB.
  • Fixed freezing of the engine when trying to set Mode on a DirectShow device which has been disconnected since.
  • Fixed that the HTTP Request module sent the Post Data in an incorrect format.
  • Websocket Client in Socket IO mode: fixed incorrect ping/pong implementation, causing constant loss of the connection.
  • Websocket Client in Socket IO mode: added automatic inserting of the "42" packet type tag into the message when no tags are specified.
  • Fixed that Fade Gamma property had no effect on the Switch Video Smooth module.
  • Fixed crash when using Directional Light GW, Spot Light GW, and Depth Of Field GW modules while an Unreal scene is also running.
  • Fixed crash when Cylinder height is changed from/to 0 with bottom and top radii being zero.
  • Fixed crash when Items Size pin in Vector Item module was zero.
  • Fixed incorrect results when group-exposing pins and one or more pins are already exposed.
  • Fixed that in edge cases the text of a note was written outside the box.
  • Fixed that outputs of remote engines were not ordered by remote index in Channel Matrix, occasionally causing different ordering on each startup.
  • Fixed that remote engines were not ordered by remote index in the Processor Load panel. Also added displaying the indices along with the name.
  • Fixed occasional crashes if during a drag-and-drop operation, the cursor is moved over a docking toolbar button.
  • Fixed that the Remote Synchronizer did not work.


















►  2024.1.0

build 29092 / 2024-APR-10

Please note that after upgrading to this version, Aximmetry will request re-entering your Product Key. We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • Multiple versions of Aximmetry can be installed side by side (from this version and above). This enables testing new versions without the need to destroy working live projects.
  • Simplified UI for installing/removing Aximmetry, Unreal Engine, and package contents.
  • Faster installation/removal.


  • Now we provide the same level of plugin compatibility as Epic's Unreal Engine. Most plugins will work, but there are some exceptions due to the limitations of the plugin itself. See more info.
  • Greatly simplified plugin addition (by simply copying).
  • Support of AI-generated 3D assets from 2D images via Unreal plugin.


  • Please note that you need the latest TestFlight version of Aximmetry Eye to work with this Aximmetry release.
  • Connecting multiple Aximmetry Eye mobile devices to the same Aximmetry is now supported. Use the new Device name field in settings to differentiate between the devices (this name will be used in the SRT and tracking devices that appear on the Aximmetry side).
  • Added a screen lock feature (lock icon). It locks, then shortly blackens the screen. It is useful when the mobile device is used for object tracking.
  • When Aximmetry Eye runs in tracking-only mode, it is now possible to set the tracking frame rate separately.


  • Added ARCam_Unreal_8-Cam compound to serve larger AR projects.


  • Fixed that Nanite meshes behind the billboard caused rendering errors in the light wrap and non-virtual billboards. Note that now Nanite meshes in front of the billboard will cause similar issues. This can be avoided by disabling Nanite for these objects.


  • SDI port usage is available from the Studio Edition on a rental basis.
  • Added MOS support. Aximmetry can be integrated into a newsroom system as a Character Generator (CG). It is available in the Broadcast Edition.
  • Added integration with Arion NRCS by SNEWS via the MOS protocol.
  • NDI SDK upgraded to v5.6.1.
  • Bluefish444 SDK upgraded to v6.5.3.12. IMPORTANT: Please update the Bluefish444 driver to v6.5.3.12 to use your Bluefish444 boards with this version of Aximmetry.
  • Added Don't crop option to capture compound thumbnails to allow creating full-content thumbnails.
  • Added support for transparency when capturing a compound thumbnail.


  • Fixed that Unreal crashed in cooked mode if a Renderer instance was started on the controller machine.
  • Fixed that default values were not set correctly in some cases when the Default Value pin was split on the GetAximmetry blueprint node.
  • Added check for connected Name, Order Index, and Default Value pins on Aximmetry blueprint nodes.
  • Fixed incorrect gamma conversion for Unreal outputs in some rare cases. (e.g. Pipeline color space: sRGB, SetAximmetryVideo ColorSpace: Linear, unreal texture is detected as sRGB)
  • Reduced VRAM usage of Unreal.


  • Fixed that NDI sources with occasional low frame sending rates are not always refreshed properly (e.g. when using the NDI Screen Capture tool).
  • Fixed that rendering frame rate indicator was not updated on the monoscopes when Sync was used on an output and its video mode was changed.
  • Fixed that ASIO audio input did not work properly.
  • Fixed that the installer did not add DirectX Runtime when it was missing.







► 2023.3.2

build 28290 / 2024-FEB-28


  • Fixed occasional hanging and then crashing of Unreal Engine when using a scene in cooked mode.
  • Fixed crashing of Unreal Lightmass.


  • Fixed that no audio was received from Aximmetry Eye.
  • Fixed that audio of SRT and NDI inputs was not received if its sample rate was other than 48kHz.
  • Fixed occasional distortion of NDI audio input.
  • Fixed that noise came out from the Audio pin of the Video Input module when the Active pin was switched off, also occasionally it crashed.
  • Fixed that audio output disappeared if in-to-out-latency was set too high.
  • Fixed random crashes of the color selector dialog.
  • Fixed crash when using certain Visca controller commands.

► 2023.3.1

build 28166 / 2024-FEB-19

Please note that this release is the final version of the recent 2023.3.0 public BETA releases. The changes and fixes added since BETA 2 are written in orange.

Please note that after upgrading to this version, Aximmetry will request re-entering your Product Key. We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • Aximmetry DE upgraded to Unreal Engine version 5.3.2. We strongly recommend uninstalling the previous version of Aximmetry DE and Unreal Engine for Aximmetry manually before installing the new ones.


  • (Experimental) Added support of Aximmetry Eye mobile app (beta 1.0 is available, currently for iOS only) that allows streaming your mobile's camera feed into Aximmetry, provides position and direction data for talent, object, or camera tracking, and converts your mobile into a real-time preview monitor. See info.


  • Renamed camera blueprints in the "Aximmetry / Add Camera" menu in Unreal Editor to better reflect their purpose. Added corresponding compound names as tooltips.
  • Added new camera blueprints and compounds to support mixed LED + AR and Green + AR productions on a single machine (so far they were only possible via using a secondary machine for AR). Please note that these are the initial versions of the blueprints, the AR reflection and shadow catchers are not available yet.
  • TrackedCam: added Flip option for Billboards.


  • Added STMap_Generator.xcomp which allows generating an STMap from lens distortion data to use in post with third party applications.
  • TrackedCam: for the case of hybrid usage (there are green and real parts of the studio), added a Mask Mode option to the STUDIO panel to allow controlling the mode of separation between the two areas. Also added a Window Model output pin to allow attaching an arbitrary mask model for the separation.
  • Improved match accuracy of delay detection.
  • TrackedCam, LEDWallCam: added Detect Origin function in ORIGIN panel to be able to define the zero point of the studio using an ArUco marker in the cases when the tracking system cannot provide absolute position (Aximmetry Eye, Inter Realsense, etc.) See info.
  • LEDWallCam: the LUT measuring process became significantly faster.
  • LEDWallCam: improved the LUT measurement precision by using view angle compensation.
  • LEDWallCam: added improved LEDWall occlusion detection and bad lens calibration detection logic to the LUT measuring process.
  • TrackedCam, LEDWallCam: added new Vignette capture method.
  • TrackedCam, LEDWallCam: added zoom-based Vignette interpolation.
  • LEDWallCam: added Ext Aux Mask output pin to allow defining a custom extra mask object for Digital Extension in the case keeping a part of the physical studio visible is needed.
  • LEDWallCam: added Global Transform property to SCENE panel to allow adjusting the position of all the LED Walls together, keeping their relative positions. Global Transform is also added to Base Cam Transf, meaning that it drags the virtual scene along with the LED Walls.
  • LEDWallCam: added AR Overlay To LED option to SCENE panel to allow displaying the extra AR graphics on the LED (and the Digital Extension) instead of as an overlay on top of the final image.
  • Change: Clean Plate 3D Generator's Wireframe option moved into the Monitor Mode parameter in tracked cameras.
  • Added "Blended Cropped" mode to Clean Plate 3D Generator's Monitor Mode. It is the default mode now.


  • ARCam: fixed that global illumination settings were ignored and GI was disabled. The GI method is now set based on the "Dynamic Global Illumination Method" project setting. (Post-process volumes etc. cannot override this.)
  • TrackedCam, ARCam, VirtualCam: fixed that lumen GI changed when B Mask render was enabled (Allow virtuals OFF or Light Wrap ON).
  • TrackedCam, ARCam, VirtualCam: fixed error in inverse tonemap calculation.
  • ARCam: fixed broken AR compositing in the linear pipeline.
  • TrackedCam, ARCam, VirtualCam: fixed that screen space part of Lumen reflections were black if ray traced shadows were enabled.
  • TrackedCam, ARCam: fixed that the billboard was rendered incorrectly in areas that could not be covered by the input texture due to virtual camera movement. (These areas were filled based on the edge pixel of the input texture instead of being transparent.)
  • ARCam: fixed confusing output and unclear warning message when there are no AR actors in the scene.
  • ARCam: Fixed memory leak.


  • TrackedCam: fixed that 3D Cleanplate was incorrect when the required Edge Expand was over 0.07.
  • LEDWallCam: fixed occasional failure of LUT measure at the start.
  • LEDWallCam: fixed that AR Overlay was provided with incorrect FOV when FRUSTUM / Edge Expand was non-zero.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of the "Move Model in front of Camera" trigger in the 3D Clean Plate Generator.
  • Vignette Correction now clears Vignette Name if the name was auto generated during the current capture and the capture aborts.
  • Vignette Correction now considers FOVs within 0.1 range the same.
  • Vignette Correction now deletes images from the vignette folder when they are no longer used.


  • Added support for receiving LUT from Pomfort LiveGrade software via a LUT Input module.
  • (Experimental) Added a Web Server feature that allows replicating a selected Control Board of the running scene as a web page, thus enabling easy remote control from a web browser. It is available from the Professional Edition. See info.
  • Added automatic scrolling of Flow Editor when selecting/moving modules and the cursor is pulled outside the editor frame. When connecting pins, you have to hold down the Control key for the same effect, in order to keep the exposing functionality intact.
  • Added automatic horizontal scrolling of Sequence Editor when moving parts/keys and the cursor is pulled outside the editor frame.
  • Added WebSocket Client, TCP Client, TCP Server, UDP Sender, UDP Receiver, and Serial Client modules to enable arbitrary communication over network and serial ports. Either text-based (plain, XML, JSON, etc.) or binary data can be transmitted. The modules are available from the Professional Edition. See info on WebSocket, TCP/UDP, Serial.
  • Added XXX To Bytes and Bytes To XXX  modules for building and parsing arbitrary binary data.
  • Added Binary File and Binary Exporter modules to allow reading/writing binary data from/to files
  • Added Vector Set Slice module.
  • Added Strict Frame Blend option to Video Player. It enables arbitrary positioning of a stopped video via the Cursor property while always getting the correct interpolation between frames. It works in Frames mode as well.
  • The behavior of the Timecode Sync function of the Camera Tracking module slightly changed: even if it is ON, synchronization is only active if an actual incoming timecode is detected from the tracking device. Otherwise, it falls back to the default mode. The same goes for Zoom Timecode Sync. Also added TC Detected output pin which indicates if an incoming timecode is detected on the main tracking device.
  • Added Lens Data Converter module to allow converting between Lens Distortion description types, and also inverting the distortion.
  • Added Allow Undo option to Set XXX Pin modules which determines if the setting of the pin appears in the Undo History. The default is ON. Note that this only affects the triggered set. Changes via Autoset are never undoable.
  • Provided a user-friendly interface for setting up buttons of a control board pin, and for specifying an Enum, SelSub, and SelSubSeq pin.
  • Added frame rate to the video file information displayed in File Browser.
  • MIDI controller and MIDI note dropdown lists changed to be scrollable and searchable.
  • Modifying control board buttons is now also possible directly from the button's context menu.
  • The icons selector dropdown for control board buttons now displays the icon images as well. Searching by name is possible, too.
  • Additional user icon libraries can be specified for use on control board buttons by right-clicking an empty area of a compound and choosing Compound Settings. The library will be available on all control boards residing in or below the compound.
  • Added Dash Folder module to enable asking the user for a folder path.
  • Added Delete Folders module.
  • Added Numeric Step property to Dash Scalar Custom module, and Step to Dash Vector Custom module to allow specifying the step size, too, when adjusting the value by the arrow keys or mouse.
  • Added Name After Source/Target command to the context menu of modules and exposer pins. They allow easy propagation of a name along a chain of pin expositions and Copy / Dash (or other) modules.
  • Separated unsaved document warning and unsaved in-place-edited compounds warning into two different dialogs to reduce the confusion.
  • Added ComposerEnumCtrBoardsAction, ComposerEnumCtrBoardPanelsAction, ComposerEnumCtrBoardButtonsAction, ComposerEnumCtrBoardPropertiesAction HTTP commands. See info.
  • Added CloseAll attribute to ComposerOpenAndRunDocumentAction HTTP command to allow closing all open documents before opening the new one.
  • Collection Peeker displays the first couple of elements of subcollection and array items.


  • Fixed that GPU load was indicated incorrectly high when running certain Unreal scenes.
  • Fixed that emissive lights were missing from lightmaps baked with GPU Lightmass.
  • Fixed crash of Unreal Editor when opening a project with ChaosFlesh or NNE plugin enabled (Missing plugin shaders).
  • Fixed crash of Unreal Editor when the "Dismiss" button was double-clicked on notifications.
  • Fixed random crashes of Unreal Editor with some scenes when starting to cook or entering PIE mode.
  • Fixed that some settings in the Aximmetry Blank project template were different from the original Blank project.


  • Fixed audio input distortion in certain cases when using a WASAPI input device.
  • Fixed that using certain types of video/audio input devices (e.g. WASAPI) could cause distortion of the audio output of the Video/Audio Player module.
  • Fixed that installation of Unreal Engine for Aximmetry failed if the installer was set to certain non-English languages.
  • Fixed incorrect output on Blackmagic cards when using interlaced mode.
  • Fixed that AUTO mode was not handled properly for DirectShow devices in /dshowlegacy mode, causing crash in some cases.
  • Fixed crash when using OBS Virtual Camera as input (only available in /dshowlegacy mode).
  • Fixed that the wrong options were displayed in the NDI mode selector if it was used in the Studio Edition.
  • Fixed audio drifting when using a Magewell capture card.
  • Improved stability of receiving SRT streams.
  • SRT stream delay became significantly smaller.
  • Fixed crash when the resolution of a running SRT stream was changed.
  • Fixed that H.265 10-bit files were played back incorrectly if the GPU decoding option was turned on.
  • Fixed random crashes during the playback of precached image sequences.
  • Fixed crash / incorrect behavior of the Video Recorder when the image width/height was not divisible by 2, or by 4 in the case of DDS BCx.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of the Video Recorder when the first few incoming video frames were empty when the recording was being started.
  • Fixed that Video Recorder unnecessarily adjusted the frame size in the case of image files (except DDS BCx).
  • Fixed crash when using an RGB interleaved pixel format for input or output and the frame width exceeds 5460. Note that the result will still be unusable in this case, since it is not supported.
  • Fixed that Video Player could stall the rendering if the video file's framerate was higher than the rendering framerate, or Speed was higher than 1.
  • Fixed that Audio Player gave noisy output with the default Buffer Max = 2 settings if the system framerate was below 60.
  • Loupedeck: fixed that sometimes button presses were not sensed when the Loupedeck app was not focused. Also updated the API dll.
  • Fixed that the Calibration Profile property of the Camera Tracking module was loaded incorrectly if it contained a preset name only.
  • Fixed that playing back an interlaced video file resulted in a garbage line at the top.
  • Fixed that the Video Device Out module incorrectly allowed the selection of an output device that was already in use, causing various errors. (E.g. a usual mistake is assigning the same device to an output index as well.) Now an error message is displayed, and the module stops outputting in this case.
  • Fixed that setting the parameters of an SRT or RTMP device in Manage Devices had no effect on an already open device.
  • Fixed that audio inputs went mute after a very long continuous usage.
  • Fixed that providing a relative path as Output Folder or Exact Path in Video Recorder and XXX Exporter modules resulted in outputting into the application bin folder. Now these go under Documents\Aximmetry.
  • Fixed jumping/gliding when playing back recorded tracking data with External Lens Data = OFF and a frame is missing from the record.
  • Fixed that special MIDI Control Change messages like Bank Select, RPN / NRPS, Sostenuto, All Notes Off, etc. were always interpreted according to their original meaning. Now it is optional, by default any Control Change 00 - 7F can be used arbitrarily. The option can be found in File / Properties / MIDI Settings.
  • Fixed that polyphony worked incorrectly in the MIDI Note module.
  • Fixed crash of Change Import Source when the compound had an output pin that was connected back to the compound itself.
  • Fixed crash of Spot Light and Spot Light GW modules when Body was ON and Body Length was set to zero or below.
  • Fixed that TX Antialiaser GW module created black outlines around objects.
  • Fixed that Set XXX Pin modules did not work with control board paths.
  • Fixed that the URL Compose module incorrectly indicated an error randomly.
  • Fixed that setting the intensity numerically in a color property editor turned off the Linear mode.
  • Fixed crash of Video Device Out module on opening if the Device property contains a non-existing device name.
  • Fixed crash of File Browser in certain cases when the Shift+click selection was used right after entering a folder.
  • Fixed that after saving a document to the root of a drive, upon the next Save As File Browser might point to the wrong folder, possibly to the bin folder of Aximmetry.
  • Fixed that peeking the output of a compound whose Array Restriction is set to a non-existing index resulted in a misleading warning message.
  • Fixed that connecting an Array Concat, Blend, etc. module to a compound with Array Restriction gave a misleading result.
  • Fixed that internal timecode above 120 fps was not handled properly.
  • Fixed lack of detection of "can't keep latency" in certain cases when the output device was interlaced, but the system was not.
  • Fixed that Detect Delay worked incorrectly in interlaced mode.
  • Fixed that Delay Detection did not show up in the undo history and did not mark the document as changed.
  • Fixed that unplugging and re-plugging a game controller (e.g. Xbox) stopped the data flow. Also now it is possible to connect the controller after a preprogrammed scene has already been started.
  • Fixed that unplugging and re-plugging a MIDI input or output device stopped the data flow. Also now it is possible to connect the device after a preprogrammed scene has already been started.
  • Added proper handling of special cases when project folders with the same name exist in multiple project roots.
  • Numeric and slider property editors: fixed behavior difference between stepping from the property name field and from within the editor box.
  • Fixed that renaming a module to a name that only differs in the case resulted in adding an index number to the name.
  • Fixed that the index number could not be removed from the name when renaming a module.
  • Fixed that after group renaming multiple modules undo did not restore to the original names, but to their indexed versions.
  • Fixed error when undoing a remove of a video output exposition on the main level.
  • Fixed crash of Thumbnail Capture in File / Properties when an Image module was wired to the output directly.
  • Fixed that the HTTP interface did not include an Access-Control-Allow-Origin tag in the response, thus web browsers could refuse it due to security settings.
  • Calibrator: fixed occasional crashes when closing the app.
  • Calibrator: fixed that UI was slow or irresponsive in some cases.
  • Calibrator: fixed incorrect detecting of zoom/focus change when the camera shook too much momentarily.























► 2023.2.2

build 25803 / 2023-AUG-21


  • VirtualCam: added options to MONITOR panel to hide cross, and to keep image in its original size when in Cropped mode.


  • Allowed installing Unreal plugins that have no source code available. However, these will only work with Live Sync, and cannot be used in Cooked mode.


  • NDI SDK upgraded to v5.6.
  • Added option to use GPU when decoding H.264 and H.265 video files or input streams. It can be set in Preferences / Video Input. Please note that this only affects playing back / inputting, encoding is always done in GPU for these formats. Also please note that this is only advantageous in certain cases. The default is still CPU.
  • Replaced recording format H.264 / AVI with H.264 / MOV, the former being prone to issues.
  • Added Doc Changed option to Set XXX Pin modules to enable marking document as changed when the target pin is set. Note that this only affects triggered set, and not Autoset.


  • Fixed compositing errors due to recent changes in Unreal Engine 5.2.
  • Fixed progressively worsening performance due to a memory leak in Unreal Engine.


  • Fixed various NDI issues.
  • Fixed that NDI, SRT, and RTMP devices incorrectly allowed specifying odd dimensions for custom size, which also resulted in a crash in the case of NDI.
  • Fixed framerate dropping issues when Sync was put on a monitor output.
  • Fixed increased CPU load when recording video even if a GPU-based encoder (H.264/265) was selected.
  • Fixed that when a remote Renderer crashed, it could not be restarted/repaired from the controller machine until the error message box was closed manually on the remote machine.
  • Fixed that when a remote Renderer crashed, Aximmetry could not be closed on the controller machine until the error message box was closed manually on the remote machine.
  • Fixed that the controller machine was not notified when an Unreal Engine crash occurred on a remote Renderer.
  • Fixed that on Startup Configuration / Rendering a remote Renderer was indicated as "Rendering" even if it was in a lost or crashed state. Now it is displayed as "Lost". (The machine can be reused without any problem, the crashed Renderer will be wiped out upon starting Aximmetry.)
  • Fixed that Studio and Professional editions did not allow selecting a monitor as a fullscreen output if it was connected to a GPU other than the selected one. E.g. this could prevent using laptops' main monitor as output in some cases.
  • Fixed that in rare cases a monitor frequency was determined incorrectly.
  • Fixed that Startup Configuration displayed NTSC-based monitor frequencies imprecisely.
  • Fixed that setting rendering framerate to much higher than the monitor frequency caused dropping of the framerate.
  • Fixed crash of Audio Out module when Device is set to an unassigned Mapped# one.
  • Fixed that selecting a non-English language also resulted in translating the name of the "Root" module of every compound, which caused confusion when specifying a module path in an HTTP command.
  • Fixed crash when a zero-sized center panel is being dragged out from a floating window.
  • Fixed that Auto Set and Force pins of Set XXX Pin modules had no effect until one of them was changed.

► 2023.2.1

build 25619 / 2023-JUL-22

Please note that this release does not include a new version of Unreal Engine for Aximmetry, thus you do not have to re-install it if you have the 2023.2.0 one installed.


  • Fixed that Antilatency and OpenVR tracking devices did not receive any input if no main video input device was active.
  • Fixed that Blackmagic output devices kept reporting missed frames when certain framerates were used. This issue could also affect performance in some cases.

► 2023.2.0

build 25510 / 2023-JUL-17


  • Aximmetry DE upgraded to Unreal Engine version 5.2.1. We strongly recommend uninstalling the previous version of Aximmetry DE and Unreal Engine for Aximmetry manually before installing the new ones.


  • Added Portuguese (Brazil) translation that covers the studio operator usage of Aximmetry.
  • Added translations to engine log messages as well.


  • Added support for calibrating PTZ cameras.
  • Lens calibration became more accurate in general.


  • Camera compounds now have much more simplified and easy-to-find names. Also, they are put in a separate folder [Common_Studio]:Camera. IMPORTANT: your earlier scenes can be loaded without any problem: the import paths and the compound names will be replaced automatically. You have nothing to do.
  • On CAMERA X PATH panels the misleading Speed Path X properties are renamed to Path X Duration. NOTE that your earlier scenes will be loaded in a compatible way.


  • ARCam: added 4-camera version.
  • All Cams: added HDR panel to control boards. When it is activated, Unreal gives an HDR output, and the tone mapping is done in Aximmetry. This allows using the new HDR-specific tone mapping functionality of Aximmetry.
  • Added Unreal_Transformation.xcomp, a helper tool to convert an Unreal transformation into an Aximmetry one.


  • TrackedCam: added 3D cleanplate feature to allow improved keying for tracked cameras.
  • TrackedCam, ARCam, LEDWallCam: added automatic Tracking and Zoom Delay detection.
  • LEDWallCam: added automatic LED wall position detection.
  • LEDWallCam: added tools for easy slicing up of LED walls in cases when a large contiguous LED surface has to be driven by multiple machines.
  • LEDWallCam: added LEDWallCam_8-Cam_9-Wall.xcomp for large-scale LED wall setups. Note that it needs a matching camera blueprint in Unreal or a matching render compound in the Aximmetry engine.
  • LEDWallCam: added Reset Free Cam button to STUDIO panel to allow putting back the overview camera to its original position.
  • LEDWallCam: added Floor Size property to STUDIO panel to allow accommodating to large-scale LED wall setups. Also, the floor texture is now visually marked at every 10 meters.
  • LEDWallCam: Studio view now displays every enabled camera. The currently selected camera is marked with a red indicator on the camera's model.
  • LEDWallCam: added marker for Fill's Fixed Position in the Studio view.
  • LEDWallCam: added Show Cam Height property to STUDIO panel to make it easier to compare camera positions of the real world and the virtual world.
  • LEDWallCam: added Preview Mode property to STUDIO panel with two new views: the LED wall models can be displayed with a checker pattern that also highlights the frustum area for the active camera, and with the final rendered image.
  • LEDWallCam: added percentage meter for LUT measurement status.
  • Record_3-Audio: added recording of camera focus distance as well when exporting tracking data into FBX. Also added Focus Distance Scale to the TRACKING panel that has to be set manually, because different target third-party applications interpret focus distance differently.


  • ARCam: fixed possible visual artifacts when additive content was contained by the Unreal output.
  • Aximmetry_TrackedCam_AR: fixed that AR objects (including reflection and shadow catchers) in dynamically loaded sublevels were not rendered.
  • Aximmetry_TrackedCam_AR: fixed that shadows froze in Live Sync mode when all shadow catchers were removed from the scene by unloading a sublevel.
  • Aximmetry_TrackedCam_AR: fixed stuttering of particle effects.
  • Aximmetry_TrackedCam_AR: fixed progressively worsening performance in certain scenes.
  • Aximmetry_TrackedCam_AR: fixed that Nanite meshes caused shadow rendering errors.
  • TrackedCam and ARCam: fixed incorrect handling of the case of an anamorphic camera.
  • Fixed that Nanite meshes in front of the billboard caused compositing errors when Allow Virtuals was OFF or Light Wrap was enabled.
  • Aximmetry_TrackedCam_AR: fixed that some post-process effects and color corrections were not applied and the output wasn't scaled to the intended brightness levels.
  • Aximmetry_TrackedCam_3-Bill, Aximmetry_VirtualCam_3-Bill: fixed that Inverse Tonemap caused compositing errors. (Certain colors with low alpha values looked too opaque, especially if the background was dark.)
  • Aximmetry_TrackedCam_3-Bill, Aximmetry_VirtualCam_3-Bill: implemented alpha correction that can be used to make the billboard less transparent in front of bright backgrounds.
  • Aximmetry_TrackedCam_3-Bill, Aximmetry_VirtualCam_3-Bill: fixed that the billboard unrealistically contributed to global illumination. When Lumen or Standalone Ray Traced reflections are used, the GI contribution scales with the reflection intensity, so it cannot be completely removed without breaking the reflection. The "Ray Traced Reflection Intensity" parameter can be used to dial down the GI contribution to an acceptable level without making the reflection completely black.
  • Aximmetry_TrackedCam_3-Bill, Aximmetry_VirtualCam_3-Bill: fixed that Exposure correction was not applied to Screen Space reflections.


  • LEDWallCam: fixed that the Radius property of LED Walls was in fact treated as diameter. Also, the property has been renamed to Curve Radius. Note that all your existing LED scenes will be loaded correctly by recalculating the property.
  • TrackedCam: fixed that if an INPUT was selected as Timecode Master and was in PLAYBACK mode, it may have happened that the timecode still came from the live input, not from the played back sequence.
  • TrackedCam: fixed that STUDIO Base Cam Transf incorrectly affected the billboard position when talent tracking was used. This behavior is only relevant when Talent Trk Area is used (e.g. with Augmenta system). In order to fix that a separate Use Talent Trk Area switch is added to the STUDIO panel which has to be turned on when this kind of talent tracking is used.
  • Fixed that vignette was exported in the wrong color space when the linear pipeline was used.
  • Fixed that in a scene containing more than 9 control boards, only the first 9 appeared in the Navigation menu.


  • Fixed that Aximmetry installation aborted with an error if the Projects folder was previously set to a network or removable path that had become inaccessible since. Note that trying to reach an inaccessible network path can cause a long pause at the beginning of the installation.


  • Improved performance when using Unreal Engine in cooked mode.


  • Completely revamped input and output timing system, providing stronger protection against frame drops and audio issues.
  • Added support of Racelogic VIPS tracking protocol.
  • Added support for Spidercam cable camera tracking protocol.
  • Added support for 10-bit and HDR on monitors and LED walls.
  • Added support for 10-bit and different color spaces, including HDR ones, on SDI output devices. They can be selected in the new Color space option in the Mode settings of the device. Also added a Keep option to allow using a custom LUT for output encoding.
  • Simplified using of Color Space / Gamma Curve property pairs. Color Space now lists all the meaningful combinations of color gamuts and gamma curves, while Gamma Curve only specifies whether the corresponding gamma or a linear space should be used.
  • When using the Keep Color Space option the Color Space property still has a meaning: it can determine the conversion function between YCbCr and RGB (when applicable).
  • Removed needless Out Color Space / Out Gamma Curve properties from Video Input / Video Player modules.
  • Removed needless In Color Space / In Gamma Curve properties from the Video Recorder module.
  • Added Keep Color Space property to the Video Recorder module to allow using a custom LUT for output encoding.
  • Blackmagic SDK upgraded to v12.5.1.
  • Bluefish444 SDK upgraded to v6.5.2.5. IMPORTANT: Please update the Bluefish444 driver to v6.5.2.5 in order to use your Bluefish444 boards with this version of Aximmetry.
  • Deltacast SDK upgraded to v6.21. IMPORTANT: you have to update the Deltacast driver to v6.21 in order to use your Deltacast board with this version of Aximmetry.
  • Added support of dials on Elgato Stream Deck +. IMPORTANT: the feature is only accessible when using Stream Deck software v6.1+ and Aximmetry Integration plugin v2.0.
  • Added support for controlling PTZ cameras via VISCA protocol.
  • Added a better interpolation of lens parameters of the calibration profile when zooming.
  • Added Skip GPU option to Video Device Out module. It allows direct sending of an incoming video frame to the output device without having to wait for it to go through the GPU rendering pipeline. Note that Video Device Out has to be either directly connected to a Video Input or Video Player module, or only wired through Copy Video, If Video, Switch Video modules. Also, the incoming video frame must match the output device in terms of frame size and pixel format.
  • Removed special behavior of Sync in the case of PC monitor outputs. Now Sync always sets the system rendering framerate equal to the monitor frequency.
  • When using Sync on a video output, Preferences / Rendering / Frame rate always shows the actual value, and cannot be edited.
  • Added option of using dynamic values in Playlist when setting a pin value or a button state. See info.
  • Allowed setting transformation pin values in Playlist.
  • Added Time To Timecode and Timecode To Time modules. The former can be used in conjunction e.g. with a Timer or a Sequencer module to generate a custom timecode.
  • Added Timecode Master option to Time To Timecode, Index To Timecode, and Text To Timecode modules to allow setting a custom timecode as the system master one (which is automatically transmitted through all SDI outputs).
  • Video Recorder module only shows encoding parameters that are relevant to the currently selected Video Format.
  • Added Focus Distance and Focus Distance Scale pins to the Tracking Recorder module to allow recording the camera focus distance as well.
  • Added error message when more than one module is selected as Timecode Master.
  • Added a red indicator line to peekers that appear when the source module is inactive (only executed because it's being peeked).
  • Compound files can be opened by dragging and dropping them to the central empty area of Flow Editor when no compound is currently open. If any compound is already open, the files have to be dropped on the header band of the Composer window, as before.
  • Aximmetry Renderer: added options to display Preview 1-3 windows. These will display the corresponding local result of the channels that were selected on the Preview panels 1-3 in Composer on the central machine.
  • Scalar To Text, Vector To Text, Format Scalars and Format Vector modules accept integer format tags as well, including hexadecimal and octal ones. See info.
  • Added Integer To Text module to allow converting in any base.
  • Auto Name module renamed to Auto Module Name.
  • Added Auto Module Color module to allow changing the color of a compound in the Flow Editor programmatically. Module property accepts backslash-separated paths to access modules in deeper subcompounds. Also, the .. tag can be used in the path to access the outer compounds.
  • Auto Pin Name module accepts backslash-separated paths in Module property to access modules in deeper subcompounds. Also, the .. tag can be used in the path to access the outer compounds.
  • Up to 20 remote engines are allowed in Startup Configuration / Remote Engines.
  • Aximmetry Renderer: solved that special command line switches like /dshowlegacy or /asio could not be applied to satellite renderers in a multi-machine configuration. Now you can specify these switches for Aximmetry Launcher on the desired machines, and it will forward them to Aximmetry Renderer when it is started.
  • Added Primary output pin to System Params module. It tells whether the machine is the primary one in a multi-machine configuration. If local rendering is enabled on the central machine, then it is always the primary machine. Otherwise, it is the remote machine with the lowest index.
  • Behaviour of the On Channel property of the Mouse module made identical to Camera Mover's one. 0 means on all channels, -1 means off.
  • Added Auto Capture option to Mouse module. It always stores the last Absolute and Incremental positions into the Init Absolute and Init Incremental properties to be able to save them with the scene.
  • Added Keep Extension option to Text Exporter, XML Exporter, and JSON Exporter modules. It allows using a custom file extension instead of .txt, .xml and .json, respectively. The custom extension can be simply specified by adding in the Output File or the Exact Path property.
  • Added Numeric Max Decimals property to Dash Scalar Custom module which allows setting the precision of the input property editor when in numeric mode. Also renamed the Max Decimals property to Slider Max Decimals, indicating that it refers to the slider mode.
  • Modified behavior of Set XXX Pin modules slightly. Now if Auto Set is Off, then the Value pin is only executed once when Set is triggered. If you want continuous execution of Value, turn on the new Force option.
  • Changing the display mode (pin visibility) of module nodes is now part of the undo history.
  • Device-related error messages also indicate the Mapped number of the device if any.
  • Allowed assigning a controller to a Logical or Flag type control board button in Normal mode, meaning that control value 1 turns it on and 0 turns it off.
  • Added Metadata output pin to Video Input module to allow displaying internal info.
  • Added Method property to Tone Mapper module. In addition to the previously used Reinhard method, ACES, Hable, and Aximmetry's own Advanced method also can be selected.
  • Added Max Out Lum property to Tone Mapper module. By setting it over 1 an HDR output can be targeted. Also added Max Out Lum In Nits option which allows specifying Max Out Lum in nits.
  • Added Ghost Gamma property to Tone Mapper module.
  • Removed Base Image option from Tone Mapper module. Please use the Glares output pin if you only need the glares layer.
  • LUT Exporter module is capable of exporting from a volume texture as well through its Color Map pin.
  • Added Reorder to compound pin context menu to allow accessing Reorder Pins dialog from there as well.
  • Shader: added Array pin type which can contain 64 indexable float values. The element can be accessed by the Array Scalar, Array Vector, and Array Color modules. Array inputs are exposed as Vector pins in the scene compound.
  • Shader: refraction calculation moved into the separated Refraction module.


  • Fixed that UE projects could not be loaded from network shares.
  • Fixed TAA error of UE's planar reflection.
  • Fixed that the implicit "Out" video output did not work in Live Link if it was overridden by a SetAximmetryVideo node in an earlier PIE session.
  • Fixed that the project could be cooked without fixing blueprint compilation errors. This resulted in corrupted cooked data and caused a crash when the project was loaded by Aximmetry.
  • Fixed that the project couldn't be opened in the editor after selecting a non-DirectX RHI. (The editor exited without an error message.)
  • Fixed that Blueprint nodes provided by the LiveLinkAnimationCore module caused a crash in cooked mode (e.g. the Live Link Pose animation blueprint node).
  • Fixed that the editor crashed when opening a project in which the OptiXDenoise plugin was enabled. (Missing plugin dll.)
  • Disabled sharpening in the Aximmetry Blank template to match engine default settings.


  • Fixed error on startup when the Windows regional settings were set to Norwegian.
  • Fixed that the Focus Distance value was not retrieved from Ncam tracking data.
  • Fixed freezing of opening a video file while an SRT video input was waiting for an unavailable source.
  • Fixed that Zoom Device had no effect in the Camera Tracking module if both Tracking Device and Zoom Device are Mapped with the same index.
  • Fixed crash when a video out device was removed in Manage Devices during Startup Configuration.
  • Fixed that sometimes input was not received from an SRT device after the source has reconnected.
  • Fixed crash when an xcomp with an SRT input device was saved, then the device was removed and the xcomp was reloaded.
  • Fixed that streaming devices had to be re-opened manually after any kind of error in the stream.
  • Fixed freezing of Device Mapper when an NDI device is available and a video device dropdown list is opened and closed in quick succession.
  • Fixed occasional crashes when using Ncam tracking and invalid data received from the device.
  • Fixed that in the case of combined PTZ + tracking system, the PTZ rotation was added incorrectly to the camera position.
  • Fixed that by removing an exposer pin with $Enum or $SelSub descriptions and then undoing, only the pure pin name is restored without the full description.
  • Fixed crash of Restart Application module when the Reopen This Compound option was used, but the compound had not been saved yet.
  • Fixed that Switch XXX modules behaved incorrectly in certain cases if multiple Select X triggers were controlled at once.
  • Fixed that Scalar To Text, Vector To Text, Format Scalars, and Format Vector modules did not accept all floating point format specifiers that are listed in the documentation.
  • Fixed that Delayer module output garbage image when its input had mipmaps.
  • Fixed crash of Sticker module in Uneven mode when the output size became too large.
  • Fixed incorrect results with sheen shaders in some rare cases.
  • Fixed that newly imported or re-imported models sometimes were not visible in render.
  • Fixed that the last folder of the Open File dialog was not preserved when Aximmetry was closed.
  • Fixed that when editing color value for a Playlist event the Windows color picker was invoked instead of the Aximmetry one.
  • Fixed crash when double-clicked on the close button of a document tab.
  • Fixed that text file processing modules did not recognize the character encoding of the file unless it included a BOM explicitly.
  • Fixed that TX Antialiaser GW module offset the picture by one pixel in most cases.
  • Fixed that Startup Configuration appeared faulty on Korean (and possibly other) Windows localizations.
  • Fixed that reloading changed files did not work if local rendering was disabled.
  • Fixed crash related to opening video files in rare cases.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior / crash of Video Player when used in Independent Multi-GPU mode.
  • Fixed that Paint View worked in insufficient bit depth when using in Linear pipeline.
  • Fixed crash when a Replace operation is applied from Dependency Manager on a linked compound currently under in-place edit.
  • Fixed crash of the Marker Detector module when used in Aruco mode.
  • Fixed occasional crash of the Marker Detector module when used in QR mode and an invalid image was input.
  • Fixed memory leak of Marker Detector module when used with large input.
  • Fixed that the world transformation of Manual Instancer applied twice on its Instance Items.
  • Fixed crash of File Browser when the information on a file/folder is not accessible for some reason.
  • Fixed that Dash Custom Scalar and Dash Custom Vector properties only affected the In property, but not the Default property, preventing specifying a proper default value in some cases.
  • Fixed incorrect drawing of connections when undoing a disconnection from a currently hidden pin.
  • Fixed that the "keep modules in view" function (Ctrl+K) flooded the undo history when panning the Flow Editor.
  • Fixed hanging of UI when too many messages arrived at the log panels at once.


Due to the Common Library Rearrangement relevant screenshots have been updated across the entire Virtual Production Workflow structure. These updates are not individually listed here.



















► 2023.1.0

build 23385 / 2023-JAN-25


  • Aximmetry DE upgraded to Unreal Engine version 5.1.0. We strongly recommend uninstalling the previous version of Aximmetry DE and Unreal Engine for Aximmetry manually before installing the new ones.


  • Added Japanese translation that covers the studio operator usage of Aximmetry.


  • BILLBOARD Inverse Tonemap function reproduces the original colors of the talent much more accurately. Also, it always adapts to the current Tone Mapping settings of the Unreal project.


  • LEDWallCam: unified the two delay values Digital Extension and camera changing (they are the same). Also, it can be specified per-camera. It is found on the SELECT CAMERA panel.
  • LEDWallCam: added a dual-machine solution for the desynchronization of animations when Digital Extension is used.
  • LEDWallCam: fixed artifacts of the Digital Extension image when the edge of the camera picture is very close to the LED wall edge.
  • TrackedCam_AR: added Pattern Size to MARKERS for the cases when very large scenes (e.g. football stadium) have to be set up.
  • TrackedCam_AR: added Show Axes option to MARKERS to allow displaying the coordinate system axes at the origin.
  • TrackedCam_AR: added Marker X Cone options to MARKERS to allow creating a spiked marker(s) frequently needed when calibrating a tracking system. Also added Marker X Thickness. 
  • Added Zoom Timecode Sync option to INPUT panels to support standalone encoders capable of sending timecode (e.g. DCS).
  • Tracking Delay can be applied even if Timecode Sync is selected. Note that it only works properly if the tracking system's Framerate is correctly specified in Manage Devices (in the cases where it is not determined automatically).
  • Added PBR_*_RefractB shaders which implement an advanced refraction method.


  • Fixed that Nanite meshes behind the billboard caused errors in the light wrap when Allow Virtuals = OFF. Nanite meshes will not affect these rendering features due to UE limitations (clip planes have no effect on Nanite meshes).
  • Fixed the "Missing Material Function" error when an AR camera was added to the scene if the VirtualProductionUtilities plugin was not enabled.
  • LEDWallCam: fixed that the native engine AR overlay render could not be expanded with the Edge Expand setting.


  • LEDWallCam: fixed that camera position and data were transmitted with the wrong delay through tunnels which caused issues in the case AR overlay graphics were used.
  • LEDWallCam: fixed that Edge Expand was not transmitted through a tunnel for use by AR overlay render.
  • TrackedCam: fixed that recording tracking data continued even if the video recorder stopped with an error, which caused logging a timecode error.


  • Added support of SRT protocol both for video input and output.
  • Added Playlist module and Playlist Editor to allow the creation of a sequence of automated scene changes. See more info.
  • Removed Macros functionality, it is now replaced by Playlist.
  • Added support of DCS zoom/focus encoders.
  • Added support of Perception Neuron systems for camera tracking. It is available starting from the Community Edition.
  • Added options for selecting a specific network card and joining a multicast group to all UDP-based tracking devices.
  • Loupedeck API upgraded to 5.4.1.
  • Added "H.265 10-bit" and "DNxHR 10-bit" formats to Video Recorder to allow recording 10-bit HDR content. To achieve that you also have to select an HDR-capable Out Color Space + Out Gamma Curve, typically Rec.2100 HLG or PQ.
  • Added Rec.2100 Perceptual Quantizer to the selectable Gamma Curves.
  • Added Linear mode to Color Selector dialog to allow choosing between linear and gamma-corrected color space. Please note that this is only a convenience option for the color property editors. The numeric color values traveling within the node graph are always gamma-corrected.
  • When using a Linear color key in a color curve, also the transition gradient from the previous key is generated in linear space.
  • Added support of HDR colors in color curves.
  • Added SS Refract shader module for screen-space refraction.
  • Added Reflectivity output pin to Lighting PBR-* shader modules to output the reflectivity with current per-pixel viewing angle.
  • Improved specular reflections of sheen shaders when applied on a transparent object.
  • File Browser: search lists matching folders as well.
  • Added LUT Inverter module.
  • Added Filter mode Bicubic (for additive) to Placer and Lens Distort modules to avoid artifacts when the image contains an additive component.
  • Added ComposerFindModulesAction HTTP command to allow enumerate modules with a name pattern in the flow graph. See more info.
  • Added ComposerEnumPinsAction HTTP command to allow enumeration of all accessible pins and their types of a specific module. See more info.
  • Added ComposerRestartApplicationAction HTTP command to allow restarting Aximmetry with running the same or any other compound. See more info.
  • Added Restart Application module to allow restarting Aximmetry via any trigger with running the same or any other compound.
  • Added returning the correct type of pin when queried with ComposerGetPinValueAction HTTP command.
  • The Smooth module was renamed to Smooth Scalar for consistency.
  • The Int Peeker module was renamed to Integer Peeker for consistency.


  • "Cannot keep latency" display behavior set to "Last frame" by default.
  • Fixed that joining a multicast group with Free-D devices did not work.
  • Fixed that the SMPTE 2110 config page displayed garbage for DHCP status.
  • Fixed faulty conversion into Rec.2100 Hybrid Log-Gamma.
  • Fixed that Video Player output negative RGB values in certain cases when color space conversion was applied.
  • Fixed rare crash of the UI docking system on exit.
  • Fixed crash when closing a document while the focus is still on an already modified Import Source property editor.
  • Fixed a rare crash of streaming output after stopping it.
  • Fixed that extensively dragging a scale handle in Scene Editor could lead to a crash in some cases.
  • Fixed a rare crash when closing the Edit / Video Outs dialog.
  • Fixed crash of camera tracking system in rare cases.
  • Fixed that output interfaces 2, 3, and 4 only transmitted black frames on Bluefish444 Kronos Optikos cards.
  • Fixed that ComposerOpenAndRunDocumentAction HTTP command resulted in displaying a MessageBox when the document had already been loaded.
  • Fixed that performing control board button actions via HTTP incorrectly appeared in the undo list as well.
  • Fixed that Sequence Trigger emitted an unwanted trigger whenever the looping jumped back if both directions were enabled.
  • Fixed that the MIDI Note module incorrectly allowed any number for Poly Count and Poly Index, causing a crash in certain cases.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of Trigger input and output pins in the Script module when Once On Change was active.
  • Fixed crash of Text File Module if the file contains a BOM but otherwise is empty.
  • Fixed crash of the Time To Text module when the Date and Time option was used, but the format string was invalid.
  • Fixed crash when Time Format was set to Date and Time with an invalid format string in the Sequence Editor.
  • Fixed crash of Format Vector module if it had more format tags than input values.
  • Fixed that Video Device Out module incorrectly listed Mapped devices as well.
  • Fixed that in some cases the wrong device type page appeared when Manage Devices opened.
  • Fixed that Reorder Pins did not allow renaming pins if the casing was changed only.
  • Fixed that after removing a video out device in the Device Mapper it still remained active until quitting Aximmetry.
  • Fixed incorrect behavior of the Shader Index property in the Instance Item module.
  • Fixed that when using Change Module Type the pins that changed to non-connectable ones keep the already existing connection.
  • Fixed crash when creating a specular, irradiance, or sheen environment map from an 8-bit input image in the linear pipeline.


  • We published the all-new Knowledge Base structure called Virtual Production Workflow.
  • Please note that we are currently in a transition period where the old Knowledge Base structure called Tutorials and its documents are still available.



IMPORTANT: This was the final update of the following documents in the Tutorials (old Knowledge Base) structure (see below). In the future, only the documents in the Virtual Production Workflow will be updated.

  • Antilatency Setup (obsolete)
  • UE5: How to Install Third-Party Code Plugins for Unreal Editor for Aximmetry (obsolete)
  • UE5: Using Tracked Cameras and Augmented Reality with an Unreal Scene (obsolete)

Older versions

Article content

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