► Latest: 2025.1.0
build 31788 / 2025-FEB-24
NOTE: Aximmetry Eye has to be upgraded to the latest version to be used with this version of Aximmetry.
Aximmetry Gateway is a new application capable of transmitting video, tracking, and controller data to and/or receiving video from another computer. It can be used in cases where the device inputs and outputs are on one computer but the production is done on a different one.
- It is available on a yearly subscription plan.
- The Startup Configuration dialog is replaced by a more interactive one, providing a drag-and-drop-based setup for inputs and outputs, and easy access to recent scenes. NOTE: the old dialog can be restored by using the /legacystartup command line parameter. For occasional cases, you can also click the "Use Legacy Startup instead" button on the new dialog.
- The Edit / Video Outputs menu item is replaced by Inputs & Outputs, and it shows the new style I/O setup dialog.
- Added auto-capturing thumbnail for compounds on each save to always provide thumbnails for the new Recent Productions section at startup. This is an option that can be turned on/off in File / Properties / Information. It is on by default in new compounds. Whenever a manual capturing occurs, it is turned off automatically (but can be re-enabled later manually).
- All handling of Remote Renderers (satellite machines) has been transferred to the new Multi-Machine Manager (from the View menu, or Alt+M). It features drag-and-drop manipulation of the following:
- Adding / removing machines on-the-fly at any time without the need to restart Aximmetry or the running scene.
- Reassigning a Remote #number to a different machine (by simply drag-and-dropping over an already occupied slot)
- Reassigning a running renderer to a different Remote #number (by simply drag-and-dropping between slots)
- Managing inputs, outputs, and devices of the remote machines from the central machine without the need to access the remote desktop directly.
- Renderer: added buttons to enable changing inputs, outputs, and devices without restarting the Renderer.
- Launcher: added Renderer Config button to allow setting the basic startup options for Renderer: project roots and optionally a GPU (eliminates the need for running the Renderer Config application separately).
- Added sensing if the video output configuration of a remote Renderer has changed (to update the Channel Matrix of the control machine).
- Port settings are moved to Edit / Preferences / Network Settings.
- Added Engine property to all I/O modules that expect selecting a device. In a multi-machine configuration,
- the device selector dropdown will always list the available devices of the specified engine (or the local engine if All is specified)
- the device will not be opened on machines other than the specified engine.
- Added Engine property to Video Player and Audio Player modules as well. They will only open and play the file on the specified engine. Also, the Audio Device dropdown will list the specified engine's devices.
- Added displaying the Remote number on Renderers' monoscopes.
- Added displaying Logs / Messages and Status Cards from all remote machines on the controller machine.
- The new Aximmetry Version Manager app can be handy if you routinely use multiple versions of Aximmetry on the same PC. It provides:
- Listing of all installed versions and their installed component.
- Starting the modification or uninstallation of any selected version.
- Changing the file type associations (.xcomp, .xshad, .xpack, etc.) to any selected version.
- Displaying and going to the installation folder and the app data folder of any component.
- All camera blueprints: added error message when the currently selected anti-aliasing method is incompatible with the camera. When Allow Virtuals is off, or Light Wrap is enabled, the anti-aliasing method has to be set to TAA or TSR. NOTE: DLSS still works independently from this.
- VirtualCam blueprints: exposed Cam Aperture.
- TrackedCam blueprints: exposed Cam Aperture as part of the Control Data collection (can be set via a Set Collection Scalar module).
- VirtualCam_Unreal: added Billboard Meter helper graphics which can be turned on/off by the lightbulb button.
- TrackedCam+AR: added reflection and shadow catchers.
- ARCam_Unreal: improved shadows. Works better in very dark or bright scenes and gives the user more control over the shadow strength.
- LEDWallCam_Unreal: added Quality setting for FILL. Options include Low, Medium, High, and Custom. The Medium setting enables Lumen, while the Custom setting can be defined arbitrarily in the LED Wall's blueprint in Unreal Editor.
- Added scope compounds to allow analyzing of image content: Scope_Waveform, Scope_Vector_YCbCr, Scope_Vector_HSB, Scope_Gamut.
- VirtualCam Keyer: improved clean plate generation method when not pure clean plate is used.
- All Cam: device selector properties of INPUT panels now list the devices of the remote machine if the camera or the input is assigned to Remote #N.
- All Cam: removed the Backwards button for virtual camera paths. It was unnecessary and caused unexpected behavior in some cases.
- TrackedCam: refactored Window Mask Mode:
- Talents can now move from the Green area to the outside of the Window area seamlessly.
- The Window Size parameter allows defining a transition area between the outside of the Window area and the green area when using the STUDIO panel's wall and green parameters.
- The Window Model pin allows for defining custom transition area shapes. When the Green Model pin is used, the Window Model pin must be used to define the transition area.
- The Window Edge Fade parameter can smooth the transition into the keyer's Despill color from outside of the Window area.
- Added Use Holdout Mask parameter to the STUDIO panel. It replaces the Window Model pin's functionality in Normal Mask mode. The new Holdout Mask Edge Fade parameter can smooth the border for the Holdout.
- TrackedCam: renamed the Additional Mask pin to Garbage Mask.
- TrackedCam: added Show Keyed parameter to the STUDIO panel to allow displaying keyed input in Studio view.
- TrackedCam+AR: Added Detwitter and Sharpen options to the AR control board's ADJUSTER panel. Note that AR is always rendered in front of the real-world studio in both window and normal mask modes.
- LEDWallCam: enabled HDR input and output when HDR is turned on. The default Max Out Lum is 1000 nits. NOTE: HDR input and output can only be turned on together.
- LEDWallCam: Vignette Correction, Delay Detector, Auto Place, and LUT Measure are capable of handling HDR input. Pattern images are displayed with 240 nits on the LED Walls when HDR is enabled.
- LEDWallCam: added Outline pin. It outlines the frustum.
- LEDWallCam: added Calculate Fixed Position button. It calculates FILL's Fixed Position based on the LED Wall's position and dimensions.
- LEDWallCam: added Show Fill Position parameter for STUDIO panel. Also, the fill position is shown over the camera if no Fixed Fill Position is used.
- LEDWallCam: added displaying Digital Extension's AUX Mask in the Studio view.
- TrackedCam, ARCam, MixedCam: added Custom Sensors output pin to allow accessing custom data coming from certain tracking systems (e.g. aperture in Canon CV Protocol).
- Added ColorPalette compound to allow rendering color wheels and rectangles of HSB, HSL, and RGB color spaces.
- Added ColorBars_EBU compound.
- All camera blueprints: fixed that the exposure changed unexpectedly when the scene was rendered by an Aximmetry camera, causing confusion. The exposure settings used by the camera are now applied globally when the camera is added to the scene. The user can see the change in exposure and adjust the scene as needed.
- All camera blueprints: fixed that bloom and vignette were disabled unexpectedly when the scene was rendered by an Aximmetry camera, causing confusion. These settings used by the camera are now applied globally when the camera is added to the scene.
- AR blueprints: fixed confusing behavior when no actors were marked as AR objects.
- All Cam_Unreal: fixed that BILLBOARD On/Off buttons did not work when Allow Virtuals was turned off.
- MixedCam_Unreal: fixed that cameras were numbered incorrectly in the Studio view.
- VirtualCam_Unreal: fixed that Free Camera view was also applied on all remote machines.
- TrackedCam, MixedCam: various fixes regarding ON SCREEN info text content, size, and color.
- TrackedCam: fixed that if both Allow Virtuals and Light Wrap were turned on, Light Wrap was rendered incorrectly.
- TrackedCam+AR: fixed that Lens Distortion was incorrectly applied to AR.
- LEDWallCam: fixed that FILL was not displayed if FRUSTUM was turned off for an LED Wall.
- LEDWallCam: added input optimization for unused INPUTs.
- LEDWallCam: ensured minimum and maximum values for rendering sizes and multipliers to avoid incorrect behaviors.
- LEDWallCam_8-Cam_9-Wall: fixed that Digital Extension's AUX Mask did not work.
- LEDWallCam: fixed incorrect results of Delay Detector.
- VirtualCam, LEDWallCam: fixed that when "Controlling only" was chosen in Multi-Machine Manager, then the primary computer could not use Free Camera, Monitor panel, Show Remote, and Studio panel.
- Fixed that Edit Camera Path's A, B, or C position view was also applied on all remote machines.
- Fixed that editing Camera Path's A, B, or C position turned off Smooth on all remote machines.
- Fixed that using Virtual Camera paths with Smooth caused jumps when changing between cameras or changing back from SEQ paths.
- Fixed that Camera Sequencer with Smooth was smoothing out camera changes when recording new camera positions.
- Fixed that Color Picker and Detect Color did not work in multi-machine.
- Fixed that in rare cases the Detect Color's color display could show up in the Keyed Monitor view.
- Reduced initial load and cook times by providing pre-generated DDC files. This applies to the Unreal Editor startup, the new Aximmetry Blank projects, and the Unreal scenes purchased from us.
- Added Aximmetry Assets plugin which is responsible for registering the contained assets in the Place Actors menu.
- Added Virtual Screen asset which can be used to play videos without ghosting.
- MOS: support of ENPS newsroom system by Associated Press.
- Deltacast SDK upgraded to v6.28.0. IMPORTANT: you have to update the Deltacast driver to v6.28.0 in order to use your Deltacast board with this version of Aximmetry.
- Bluefish444 SDK upgraded to v6.6.0.20. IMPORTANT: you have to update the Bluefish444 driver to v6.6.0.20 in order to use your Bluefish444 boards with this version of Aximmetry.
- Added precision fixes when receiving lens data via Canon CV Protocol.
- Calibrator: added a new "External lens data" mode for the cases when full lens calibration data is already provided by the Zoom Device (e.g. Canon CV Protocol). In these cases, only a Tracking Calibration is needed.
- Added support of K3 (3rd-degree element of Radial Distortion) in lens data throughout the system, including Calibration Profiles and Lens Data vectors in the Flow Graph. NOTE: currently, it is only used when receiving lens data from external sources, like Canon CV Protocol, or AGTP. Our Camera Calibrator does not produce this extra parameter. However, in Basic Calibrator it can be specified manually.
- Added sending / receiving K3 via AGTP protocol's ExtendedLensDistortion element. NOTE: members above K3 are not used / ignored.
- MOS: added Update button for Running Order for the cases when automatic updating fails for some reason.
- MOS: added Play Next button for activating the next story item in the order.
- MOS: allowed determining if a MOS object is running live or as a temporary instance for the NCS editor using a #Live exposed pin.
- Allowed using expressions in all numeric editors of the Pin Values and Dashboard panels.
- In Flow Editor and Control Boards, Shift+F6 moves the focus to the Name property in the Pin Values panel. Thus it effectively works as a quick "rename" shortcut. Also, a corresponding context menu item is added.
- In File Browser added Shift+F6 shortcut for renaming a file. Also, the context menu is improved.
- In Reorder XXX Pins dialogs Shift+F6 also can be used for rename (beside F2).
- Ctrl+Backspace clears the entire content in all property and dialog editor fields.
- Added "Blender" mode to the Camera Mover module.
- Added a simplified "Viewer" mode to the Camera Mover module. It only allows Orbit (Left Mouse) and Dolly (Right Mouse), and disables moving by keyboard.
- Added Video Out Size module to allow querying the current size of an output or a preview panel, and using it for rendering in that exact resolution.
- Added Dash Text Custom module to allow specifying the maximum length and password character for text input.
- Webserver: added applying maximum length and password of text properties in the HTML.
- Added Use Min Max option to Dash XXX Custom modules. If it is off, the value will not be restricted by the Minimum, and Maximum properties, neither in the property editor nor on the module's output.
- Added Raw Packet and Zoom Raw Packet output pins to the Camera Tracking module. They are filled with the original, unprocessed binary data received from the network by the tracking and the zoom devices. They allow examining the network packets using the Bytes To Text module, either in hex or text format.
- Added Controller Forwarder module that allows forwarding any controller device input to another machine via OSC.
- Added Partial Match option to Set XXX Pin modules to allow easier targeting pins with complicated names (e.g. the ones defining a control board button row).
- Added Set Trigger Pin module.
- Added Copy Full Path to the context menu of modules and pins.
- Added Copy Name and Copy Full Path to the context menu of property editors.
- Set XXX Pin modules allow specifying the entire path of module + pin together in the Pin property, separated by a semicolon.
- Added Scope module and Scope Vertex/Pixel shader I/O modules to enable building any custom scope-like video analyzer. See example implementations in the Scope_XXX compounds of the Common Library.
- Added Color Space Params module to allow querying color space conversion parameters and then use them in calculations or custom shaders.
- Added Color Convert module for converting between the supported color spaces.
- Added Color To Linear, and Color From Linear modules for ignoring / applying the supported gamma functions on colors.
- Added displaying remaining time during rendering in Sequence Editor.
- Added Left Text and Right Text properties to Monoscope module.
- Shader: added Color Transform, Color To Linear, and Color From Linear modules.
- Shader: added Section 2D Intersection module.
- Shader: added Load, Load 3D modules for direct loading of texels.
- Added /action: command line switch that allows executing any HTTP command at startup. The command must be provided as a URL-encoded XML string. NOTE: in order to execute multiple HTTP commands use a Group command.
- Astro plugin made available from the Studio Edition.
- Fixed crash when the Connection pin of an Unreal module accidentally receives the unused 1 value from a connected wire.
- Fixed crash when Ray Tracing Translucency is enabled and Allow Virtuals is off or Light Wrap is enabled.
- Fixed crash when using the NVIDIA NIS plugin (e.g. setting Sharpness in the DLSS example project).
- Fixed artifacts appeared near the edges of camera outputs in some cases.
- Fixed that the Unreal Editor viewport was not rendered correctly in various cases when there was no connection with Aximmetry.
- Fixed stuttering of SRT output when it was newly mapped on startup.
- Fixed that grouping / ungrouping modules did not include the selected notes.
- Fixed that on undoing / redoing operations involving notes did not restore the selection of the notes.
- Fixed crash when two Game Controller devices with the same name existed in the system.
- Fixed that Preferences / Channel Matrix was not updated when outputs had been changed via Edit / Video Outputs.
- Fixed that the Stream URL field was disabled when adding an RTMP device in Manage Devices.
- Fixed that the file name properties containing a UNC path were prefixed with the current directory when the compound was saved and then reloaded.
- Fixed that AutoCapture pins were occasionally not captured at startup in complex graphs.
- Fixed that the "Invalid device mode" / "Invalid Calibration Profile" message/card did not appear in the case of mapped devices.
- Fixed that the actual device name of mapped devices did not appear in the title of Status Cards.
- Fixed that error states of video output devices did not appear as Status Cards.
- Fixed that Video Player gave an empty image for one frame on the first activation.
- Fixed that Flow Editor peekers stopped working and produced "Missing/not licensed module" error messages in certain cases after stopping and restarting a compound.
- Fixed sliding of selection rectangle in Flow Editor when the view is auto-panning.
- Fixed that Sequence Editor time format was not refreshed when it was based on the system time format and VSync was active.
- Fixed crash when the document was closed while Sequence Editor was in rendering mode.
- Fixed that blinking of Sequence Editor's Render button did not work during rendering.
- Fixed that the Passthru forwarding mode did not work in the Camera Tracking module.
- Fixed that visibility of the compound module's "X" button was not updated when the Active pin was removed/renamed from outside, and could lead to a crash.
- Fixed that Curve Editor time format was not refreshed at all when it was based on the system time format. NOTE: it is only effective when a time-based (not proportion-based) curve is added to the editor.
- Fixed that the Lens Distorter module did not output the Lens Data if the input Video was empty or Active was off.
- Fixed that Offset Mode and Guard Band properties had no effect on Placer and Placer Vector modules when a Background was connected. NOTE: Force Aspect is still ignored in this case.
- Fixed that Set Vector Pin module reset the target pin's and its own Value pin's value if the Value pin was not connected and Set / Auto Set was triggered.
- Fixed that opening the output setup dialogs ruined the video outputs that were in use via a Video Device Out module, being unaware of them. Now these outputs are indicated as unavailable.
- Fixed unwanted cropping when creating a thumbnail for a compound with non-widescreen output.
- Multi-machine: fixed that Preview channels could not be selected on Mouse Pad panels when running in Controller Only mode, preventing proper usage of Renderer Preview windows and camera moving.
- Fixed that Recorder and Exporter modules (except Video Recorder) did not log an error message if the output location was not properly specified.
- Fixed crash of Bounds Finder module in some cases.
- Fixed startup stalling when one of the network drives was inaccessible.
- Basic Calibrator: fixed that it did not work when used with the Canon CV Protocol.
- Shader: fixed that the Screen Position output of the Postprocessing Pixel Input module did not work.
- Shader: fixed that wrong snapping parameters were applied in Shader Editor. Also, enabled accessing Flow Editing settings in File / Properties for Shader documents.
► 2024.3.0
build 30315 / 2024-SEP-30
- Aximmetry DE upgraded to Unreal Engine version 5.4.3. NOTE: though the new version of Unreal Engine performs better in numerous cases, according to our tests and reports on the Unreal forums, it may exhibit lower performance in some scenes.
- Includes integration of Motion Design for Unreal Engine.
- Restored TSR as the default anti-aliasing method to match the default settings in the original Unreal Engine. NOTE: TSR provides better quality, but may cause a performance drop in some scenes. If it is a problem for you, please switch back to TAA in the Project Settings manually.
- You must add a specific version of build tools to your Visual Studio installation to ensure proper cooking of your Unreal project. See info.
- Aximmetry Eye is now available in the Apple App Store.
- Stream camera feed into Aximmetry
- Track talent, object, or camera
- Preview real-time
- Commercial usage of Aximmetry Eye requires a subscription. Free testing is still available without restrictions, but the "Aximmetry Eye testing mode" watermark will appear on all outputs.
- NOTE: Aximmetry Eye is only compatible with Aximmetry version 2024.3.0 or later.
- Aximmetry_TrackedCam, Aximmetry_VirtualCam: a new, AA-free compositing method is used for billboards. IMPORTANT: Please set up the scene according to this documentation, otherwise the billboard will not be occluded by the objects in the foreground.
- Aximmetry_TrackedCam, Aximmetry_VirtualCam: improved performance when using non-virtual billboards or Light Wrap.
- Aximmetry_TrackedCam, Aximmetry_VirtualCam: fixed that Nanite objects in front of the talent caused rendering errors when using non-virtual billboards or Light Wrap.
- Aximmetry_LEDWallCam: improved Fill rendering performance.
- Added Video_Switcher template. It implements the usual features of a hardware video switcher. Provides
- multi-view
- up to 12 inputs from video input devices, video files, or custom content rendered internally by Flow Graph.
- up to 4 picture in picture with custom size and position
- up to 4 keyers for vlog streamers
- customizable transition effects (see the [Common]:Compounds\Transitions folder for examples of custom effects)
- preview
- multi-recording
- controller preset for X-Keys XKE-124 T-bar Video Switcher
- VirtualCam: added Put In Front trigger to BILLBOARDs. It makes it easier to place the billboard by putting it right in front of the camera.
- TrackedCam: STUDIO panel's Use Window Model mode now can be used in Normal Mask Mode as well. In this case, the Window Model marks the area where the real studio image is shown without keying.
- TrackedCam: added Show Talent Trk property which displays the billboard's Tracking Device position on the Studio view when tracked Auto Position is being used for the billboard.
- TrackedCam: slightly improved quality of 3D Clean Plate texture generation.
- ARCam: it is now possible to choose different marker shapes, like Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, etc. Also, the number of markers can be dynamically adjusted by the Marker Amount property of the MARKERS panel. Objects previously named "Tablets" now can be created as Rectangle markers.
- ARCam: added Show Cameras option to the MARKERS panel to allow viewing the placement of all the cameras along with their height data and frustum. Their tracking data receiving state is also displayed.
- TrackedCam, LEDWallCam: added the same options for showing cameras and markers as for ARCam, see above. They can be found on the STUDIO panel.
- TrackedCam, LEDWallCam: added Markers Visible option to allow showing markers not just in the Studio view, but in the scene, too.
- LEDWallCam: if Markers Visible is on, an additional property can also turn on the LED Walls to be shown on the scene.
- LEDWallCam: removed LED Select Cam pin. All features that relied on it now work with the camera selection determined by the SELECT CAMERA panel and the Playlist Select Cam pin.
- LEDWallCam: added Detect Burnout state to LUT Measure.
- LEDWallCam: added Inner Frustum output pin to allow performing composition with the frustum image in an external hardware.
- VirtualCam_Unreal: fixed that in some cases one frame extra delay was introduced. Also fixed the one-frame delay between the billboard and the reflection or shadow of the billboard when Allow Virtuals was turned off.
- TrackedCam_Unreal: fixed that when Lens Distortion and Allow Virtuals both were enabled and the camera input resolution was different from the Rendering Frame Size, the lens distortion was incorrectly applied to the billboard. NOTE: this does not change the requirement to use the same aspect ratio for the Rendering Frame Size as that of the camera input.
- MixedCam_Unreal: fixed that virtual cameras did not work when Allow Virtuals was turned off.
- Aximmetry_TrackedCam_AR: fixed that skeletal meshes (and possibly other non-static meshes) caused rendering errors when using shadow catchers.
- Fixed that Light Warp was also drawn on places where the billboard was occluded by geometry.
- TrackedCam: fixed that the meter helper of the billboard was incorrectly scaled in PREVIEW MONITOR OUTPUT.
- VirtualCam, TrackedCam: fixed that Camera Path started playing when switching between paths while the pause of Camera & Render Setup panel was turned on.
- LEDWallCam: fixed that test input interpreted tracking delay in seconds instead of frames.
- VirtualCam: fixed that invalid ON SCREEN information was shown when other than Program was chosen on the PREVIEW MONITOR OUTPUT panel. (now no information is displayed in this case).
- TrackedCam: fixed that the Scene Scale property of the SCENE panel affected the billboard's position if the billboard had tracked Auto Position.
- TrackedCam: fixed that when the camera was outside of the STUDIO walls, the keyed input was shown instead of the virtual scene.
- TrackedCam: fixed that the Window Model was not occluded by the STUDIO walls.
- TrackedCam: fixed that meter helper, if it was turned on, was displayed even when Use Billboards was off.
- TrackedCam: fixed that billboards were not cropped by their transformation's scale, and were not affected by Lens Distortion in PREVIEW MONITOR OUTPUT.
- TrackedCam: fixed that 3D Clean Plate Generator's monitor output was incorrect when the input video format was other than 1080p.
- LEDWallCam: fixes for LUT Measure wizard:
- Status messages on the LED output were cut off at low resolution.
- Could occasionally capture invalid data in the last slice.
- ArUco marker did not fit into the camera image if the camera was too close to the LED wall, failing the wizard at the beginning.
- Detected positioning marker incorrectly if Auto Place was used on the LED wall before LUT Measure.
- Was shown on multiple LED walls if multiple LED walls were in the frustum, failing the wizard.
- Produced incorrect results if the camera image was burnt out.
- LEDWallCam: fixed that Digital Extension was visible on top of the camera image in slight gaps between LED walls.
- LEDWallCam: fixed that Vignette Scanner stopped at 99.99% when the input was 2160p.
- LEDWallCam: fixed that Vignette Scanner did not detect camera stopping after slow movement.
- LEDWallCam: fixed that Detect AR Tracking/Zoom Delay produced wrong results if Picture Delay was not zero.
- LEDWallCam: fixed that Free camera also moved STUDIO's camera if it was turned on.
- Fixed that camera positions could not be edited in the preview panel other than the one being set on Channel 1.
- Fixed that camera positions could only be edited with the Aximmetry camera mover system.
- Various internal performance fixes for camera compounds.
- Various fixes for Camera_Sequencer.xcomp.
- Record: fixed that Cine Form Quality was not selectable on the RECORD panel when using CineForm video format.
- Added support for upcoming Canon CV lens data protocol. It is listed as a "Zoom Encoder" device.
- In association with the above, the system now allows receiving external lens data from the Zoom Device as well (so far it was only possible via the Tracking Device).
- Lens distortion value interpolation between calibration points is now much more accurate. If you find the old method more usable for your case, please set UseNormalizedRadialInterpolation to false in the Calibration Profile file manually.
- Blackmagic SDK upgraded to 14.2.
- If the system is running in "Everything Is Genlocked" mode (Extra Delay is equal or below 0.3 frames), error messages are displayed if a video output is not genlocked, or a desynchronization is detected on an input frame timing (possibly due to not genlocking the input device).
- Added displaying status cards in the lower right corner of the flow editor to indicate error/warning states of devices and certain module types. This way it is much easier to be aware of the various error states than by watching the Messages panel alone. Displaying status cards can be disabled in File / Properties / Flow Editing.
- Added a separate "NO DEVICE MAPPED" state for Video Input modules when a Mapped #n device is selected, but no mapping was made to it in the Device Mapper. NOTE: This state does not display a status card or a log message, it is only seen on the output.
- Added the "Show Active Routes" option to the context menu of the empty area of Flow Editor. It reveals which parts of the graph are actively executed at the moment, and also indicates any loops found. IMPORTANT: do not turn on this option during production, since it can impact performance. It is only for debugging purposes.
- Improved snapping in Flow Editor:
- Added snap points from certain distances from the module edges as well in order to make it easier to create equal gaps between modules. The gap sizes are customizable via File / Properties / Flow Editing / Module gap snap.
- Snap lines now clearly indicate which module(s) you are snapping to.
- When group adding modules (e.g. drag-and-dropping multiple image/video/compound files), the editor uses the Module gap snap / Flow Editor / Y value to create a constant gap between the modules.
- Added Dont Save option to Dash Scalar Custom and Dash Vector Custom modules to allow preventing saving the value with the scene (useful if a guaranteed initial value is needed when the scene is loaded).
- Added Dash Logical Custom module to allow using the Dont Save option for logical values as well.
- Added Dash Integer Custom module to allow using Min-Max constraints and the Dont Save option for integer values as well.
- Added Custom 1, 2, and Custom Fade output pins to the Switch Video Smooth module to allow using any custom transition effect. See the [Common]:Compounds\Transitions folder for examples of custom effects. Note that the final result in this case must be taken from the custom effect's output. Also, note that Cascading behavior cannot be used with custom effects, it is converted to Buffered. Also added the Switch_Video_Smooth_Transitions.xcomp example to [Tutorials].
- Added Fading output pin to Switch Video Smooth module to indicate if a fading is in progress. Also added Index 1, 2 output pins to indicate which sources the fading currently happens between.
- Offset property of the Soft Cropper module is allowed to decrease down to -1 to enable offset out the transition area completely.
- Added If Shader and Switch Shader modules to allow conditional usage of different shaders on the same scene object.
- Added Sync Mode property to UDP Receiver module to allow ensuring a constant latency between the sending from the source and receiving in Aximmetry. Also added a corresponding Sync Delay property.
- Added Fwd To Remotes property to UDP Receiver module. It forwards any incoming UDP packets immediately to the remote machines of a multi-machine configuration.
- Added option to select flashing backlight when assigning a Game controller to a button or property. Also allowed assigning both backlight colors simultaneously.
- When a project root folder is being added/modified in Startup Configuration or Preferences, the parent folder is offered initially instead of the folder itself, making it easier to add adjacent folders.
- The "Use defaults" option on File / Properties pages was replaced by "Use per-compound settings" in order to make its function clearer. According to that the meaning of the switch is reversed, but the function is the same.
- Fixed Unreal Engine bug: translucent objects were missing from planar reflections when TSR was enabled.
- Fixed some rare crashes in Cooked mode.
- Fixed that MLDeformer and PythonFoundationPackages plugins were missing.
- Fixed that the following plugins caused cooking to fail: Storm Sync, XR Creative Framework, and Virtual Scouting. NOTE: these plugins might not work correctly in Cooked mode.
- Fixed crash when rendering more than 2 camera views with Lumen.
- Fixed performance drop in Live Sync when the editor was minimized.
- Fixed that SRT inputs sometimes started stuttering after several minutes of running.
- Fixed that Blackmagic Decklink Mini Monitor and Mini Recorder were shown as unavailable if they were installed together with another Blackmagic card.
- Fixed that selecting any Bluefish input device always gave the Channel1 input.
- Fixed that NDI outputs always sent 16-channel audio regardless of the actual number of output channels.
- Fixed that Delay property of Audio Out module had no effect.
- Fixed that MOS insert and move commands did not work if the story or item was to be appended to the end of the list.
- Fixed incorrect playback of AV1 10-bit video files in certain cases.
- Fixed that Pos Available and Zoom Available outputs of the Camera Tracking module gave ON even if there was a problem with data receiving.
- Fixed that the list of available X-Keys devices was not updated when a device was plugged in or out from the PC.
- Fixed that trigger feedback was poorly visible on X-Keys device buttons.
- Fixed occasional crashes during Startup Configuration when an ID picture was output to an SDI/NDI channel.
- Fixed incorrect behavior of the Crossfader module in Out-In mode.
- Fixed that stretched thumbnails were displayed in the control board video menus.
- Fixed that Set XXX Pin modules did not work on a remote engine after it has been restarted.
- Fixed that Custom Processor module output a full-size frame when the input was empty, even when Keep In Size was on.
- Fixed that the Streaming property of the Video Out Config module (used in the STREAMING panel of camera compounds) was saved with the scene, causing unwanted instant starting of the stream on loading the scene.
- Fixed that Sequence Editor track grouping and layout of a Sequencer was lost when it was loaded as part of a Linked Compound, or after copy-pasting it along with its tracks into another compound level. NOTE: there are still cases when the layout info may be lost.
- Fixed that available camera mover systems were listed incorrectly in File / Properties / Scene Editing.
- Fixed that adding trailing spaces to control board button names had no effect.
- Fixed that when WASD keys were allowed for camera motion, some Alt and Ctrl combinations of these keys were in conflict with some menu items and other shortcuts. Now these shortcuts are disabled while a preview panel or a fullscreen output is in focus and WASD is enabled.
- Fixed that the Assign Controller dialog appeared, but no assignment could be made when the compound was not running.
- Fixed that controller assignments of control board trigger buttons inside a linked compound were lost when the compound was updated due to the change of its source file.
- Fixed that control board button names were displayed incorrectly on the Assign Controller dialog.
- Fixed that using very long pin names (e.g. containing control board button or enum descriptions) resulted in too wide nodes or context compound sidebars in Flow Editor. Now the displayed name length is limited, but the bottom tooltip always shows the full name.
- Fixed that context compound sidebars overlapped in Flow Editor if the Composer window was too narrow.
- Fixed occasional crash of setting property value due to an incoming controller signal.
- Fixed occasional crashes if during a drag-and-drop operation, the cursor is moved over a docking toolbar button.
- Fixed that not all startup log messages were displayed in the log panel of Composer and Renderer.
- Fixed handling of startup log messages in the log file.
- Fixed occasional crashes of the logging system when the text contains certain special characters.
- Pilot: fixed crash when setting a property on the Dashboard.
- Inputs (Virtual Camera)
- Setting Up Billboards in Virtual Camera Compounds
- Tracked Camera Billboards: Placement
- Prerequisites of a Good Keying
- How to Use Aximmetry as External Keyer with Unity
► 2024.2.0
build 29692 / 2024-JUN-18
- Improved rendering performance in cooked mode. Please note that the new optimized cook provides less error info, and does not allow creating a dump, for these use the (Debug) cooking mode. See info.
- Added Iterative Cooking checkbox to the Aximmetry menu (enabled by default). This can be used to disable iterative cooking when it doesn't work correctly (e.g. in some cases when World Settings / World / Use External Actors is enabled). See info.
- Added automatic IP finding of running Aximmetry instances on the local network.
- The application can be used without login and Aximmetry as well. In this case, only the camera image can be transmitted via SRT by explicitly specifying the SRT addresses.
- Fixed incorrect handling of UNC network paths as target folders, causing the error "Could not remove read-only attribute".
- VirtualCam: added Edge Fade option to BILLBOARD panels to allow smooth transition on the edges of the billboard.
- TrackedCam: added Mask Edge Fade option to STUDIO panel to allow smooth transition on the edges of the studio/window mask.
- On the CAMERAS control boards applying Copy/Paste/Reset/Revert Settings on the CAMERA X PATH panels now includes the path data itself as well. E.g you can Copy / Paste the full path animations between cameras or scenes. Applying Save / Load Settings on the whole control board also includes path data.
- LEDWallCam: added a separate AR OVERLAY panel to the LEDWALLS control board to contain all AR-related options, and additionally allow turning the AR on/off.
- ARCam: added focus to the Record Data output and also exposed Focus as an output pin.
- Various improvements on Delay Detector.
- TrackedCam: fixed that Unreal clamped the FOV causing incorrect results when the camera FOV was too low, or too high.
- TrackedCam: fixed that in recording playback mode there was a 1-frame delay when switching between cameras.
- TrackedCam: removed unnecessary Engine parameters of INPUTS panels. From now on, it is solely determined by the Engine parameters of the SELECT CAMERA panel.
- TrackedCam+AR: fixed that focus distance could not be controlled by Aximmetry.
- LEDWallCam: fixed that LUT Measure and Auto Place did not work in multi-machine when the camera input was received by a satellite machine.
- LEDWallCam+AR: fixed that AR was rendered in a low resolution when Digital Extension was off (now it works in conjunction with the new AR OVERLAY switch).
- Fixed that Vignette Capture, Detect Origin, and Delay Detect did not work in multi-machine when the camera input was received by a satellite machine.
- Fixed that Delay Detectors displayed the overlay layer incorrectly if the render frame size was not equal to the input video size.
- Check For Updates window offers an option to also include beta releases when checking.
- Deltacast SDK upgraded to v6.25.1. IMPORTANT: you have to update the Deltacast driver to v6.25.1 in order to use your Deltacast board with this version of Aximmetry.
- Antilatency SDK upgraded to v4.3.0, supporting the latest pillar features. Please also upgrade AntilatencyService to the latest 4.2.0 before using with Aximmetry.
- Added Stream ID and Enable audio options to SRT output configuration.
- Added the "Connect All Identical Pins" command to the module context menu in Flow Editor when two modules are selected and they have pairs of pins with identical names and types. This is helpful e.g. when you make the connections between a camera compound and an Unreal project module.
- Added "Stutter" option to Cannot keep latency behaviors in Preferences / Video Input. Also, it became the default setting. It allows displaying a lower framerate/stuttering output instead of a frozen image when latency cannot be kept.
- Added chaining option to Switch Video Smooth module to allow switching between more than 16 inputs. Also, added a Force All option to enforce the execution of all input pins, including the chained ones.
- When a manually sized note (Auto size is off) is moved in Flow Editor it also carries the modules and notes that are placed inside its rectangle. This provides an easy way to group modules.
- Added Select All inside (Ctrl+Shift+A) operation to the note context menu to allow selecting all modules and notes inside the rectangle of the selected note(s). It makes it easier to cut, copy, delete, etc. the grouped items together.
- Added Bring To Front and Send To Back operations to the note context menu to allow specifying a z-order of the notes.
- Added "Change To Sequence Video" / "Change To Video Player" commands to the context menu of Video Player / Sequence Video modules to allow easy conversion of these modules into each other, e.g. when you add a video by drag-and-dropping, then you want to use the video as a track in a Sequencer.
- Added option to use the WASD keys to move the camera in the scene editor. It is in File / Properties / Scene Editing. Note that the conflicting scene editing shortcuts will not work in this mode. Position reset shortcut 'D' has been changed to 'O'.
- Added Mip Map Extractor module to allow getting a specific level from a mipmapped texture.
- Renderer: added context menu to log panel to allow copy, clear, and setting level.
- The Renderer now remembers which Preview and Peeker windows were open.
- Set XXX Pin modules are capable of working from a remote renderer as well. The new Engine property determines which renderer they are active in.
- Added warning message when a trigger is activated manually from the property editor, but the module is currently not in use (is on an inactive part of the graph), therefore the trigger had no effect.
- Fixed occasional losing connection to the remote renderer in multi-machine when a large Unreal project was being loaded or unloaded.
- Fixed that cooking could be started while in Live Sync mode. (This could cause the connection with Aximmetry to be lost.)
- Fixed that no output was rendered in the editor in PIE mode when there was no connection with Aximmetry. Now the default output is rendered and a warning is displayed.
- Fixed crash of Unreal Editor when a material with the Thin Translucent shading model was rendered.
- Fixed that genlock was not accepted with Deltacast cards in certain cases.
- Fixed that in the case of Blackmagic cards with one input and one output (e.g. Decklink SDI 4K), the I/O availability was handled incorrectly.
- Fixed misleading "Port Limit Exceeded" message when a Blackmagic input was not available (was in use for output).
- Fixed that unavailable devices (in use for the opposite direction) were still listed in the Device property of Video Input and Video Device Out modules. Also, added a specific error message for the case when an unavailable device is still selected.
- Fixed crash of SRT input if the audio parameters changed on the fly, e.g. the number of channels decreased.
- Fixed incorrect playback of AV1 10-bit video files in certain cases.
- Fixed that the detected frame rate of some video files was incorrect in rare cases.
- Fixed crackling of the audio if the output device was configured for a higher frame rate than the rendering frame rate.
- Fixed incorrect behavior of the "Use Master TC" option of Video Recorder when one of the INPUTS was used as Timecode Master, potentially causing an error message regarding the timecode.
- Fixed that Aximmetry Packager could not create an xpack file larger than 4 GB.
- Fixed freezing of the engine when trying to set Mode on a DirectShow device which has been disconnected since.
- Fixed that the HTTP Request module sent the Post Data in an incorrect format.
- Websocket Client in Socket IO mode: fixed incorrect ping/pong implementation, causing constant loss of the connection.
- Websocket Client in Socket IO mode: added automatic inserting of the "42" packet type tag into the message when no tags are specified.
- Fixed that Fade Gamma property had no effect on the Switch Video Smooth module.
- Fixed crash when using Directional Light GW, Spot Light GW, and Depth Of Field GW modules while an Unreal scene is also running.
- Fixed crash when Cylinder height is changed from/to 0 with bottom and top radii being zero.
- Fixed crash when Items Size pin in Vector Item module was zero.
- Fixed incorrect results when group-exposing pins and one or more pins are already exposed.
- Fixed that in edge cases the text of a note was written outside the box.
- Fixed that outputs of remote engines were not ordered by remote index in Channel Matrix, occasionally causing different ordering on each startup.
- Fixed that remote engines were not ordered by remote index in the Processor Load panel. Also added displaying the indices along with the name.
- Fixed occasional crashes if during a drag-and-drop operation, the cursor is moved over a docking toolbar button.
- Fixed that the Remote Synchronizer did not work.
- LED Wall Camera Compounds
- Aximmetry DE Scene Setup (LED Wall)
- Combine Different Productions in Separate Machines
- Introduction to Unreal Editor for Aximmetry
- How to Install Third-Party Code Plugins for Unreal Editor for Aximmetry
- Aximmetry and Unreal Combined Render
- Introduction to Green Screen Production
- Virtual Camera Compounds
- Inputs (Virtual Camera)
- Keying Setup (Virtual Camera)
- Cameras Control Board of Virtual Camera Compounds
- Tracked Camera Compounds
- Inputs (Tracked Camera)
- Keying Setup (Tracked Camera)
- Cameras Control Board of Tracked Camera Compounds
- Virtual Camera Movements
► 2024.1.0
build 29092 / 2024-APR-10
Please note that after upgrading to this version, Aximmetry will request re-entering your Product Key. We apologize for the inconvenience.
- Multiple versions of Aximmetry can be installed side by side (from this version and above). This enables testing new versions without the need to destroy working live projects.
- Simplified UI for installing/removing Aximmetry, Unreal Engine, and package contents.
- Faster installation/removal.
- Now we provide the same level of plugin compatibility as Epic's Unreal Engine. Most plugins will work, but there are some exceptions due to the limitations of the plugin itself. See more info.
- Greatly simplified plugin addition (by simply copying).
- Support of AI-generated 3D assets from 2D images via Unreal plugin.
- Please note that you need the latest TestFlight version of Aximmetry Eye to work with this Aximmetry release.
- Connecting multiple Aximmetry Eye mobile devices to the same Aximmetry is now supported. Use the new Device name field in settings to differentiate between the devices (this name will be used in the SRT and tracking devices that appear on the Aximmetry side).
- Added a screen lock feature (lock icon). It locks, then shortly blackens the screen. It is useful when the mobile device is used for object tracking.
- When Aximmetry Eye runs in tracking-only mode, it is now possible to set the tracking frame rate separately.
- Added ARCam_Unreal_8-Cam compound to serve larger AR projects.
- Fixed that Nanite meshes behind the billboard caused rendering errors in the light wrap and non-virtual billboards. Note that now Nanite meshes in front of the billboard will cause similar issues. This can be avoided by disabling Nanite for these objects.
- SDI port usage is available from the Studio Edition on a rental basis.
- Added MOS support. Aximmetry can be integrated into a newsroom system as a Character Generator (CG). It is available in the Broadcast Edition.
- Added integration with Arion NRCS by SNEWS via the MOS protocol.
- NDI SDK upgraded to v5.6.1.
- Bluefish444 SDK upgraded to v6.5.3.12. IMPORTANT: Please update the Bluefish444 driver to v6.5.3.12 to use your Bluefish444 boards with this version of Aximmetry.
- Added Don't crop option to capture compound thumbnails to allow creating full-content thumbnails.
- Added support for transparency when capturing a compound thumbnail.
- Fixed that Unreal crashed in cooked mode if a Renderer instance was started on the controller machine.
- Fixed that default values were not set correctly in some cases when the Default Value pin was split on the GetAximmetry blueprint node.
- Added check for connected Name, Order Index, and Default Value pins on Aximmetry blueprint nodes.
- Fixed incorrect gamma conversion for Unreal outputs in some rare cases. (e.g. Pipeline color space: sRGB, SetAximmetryVideo ColorSpace: Linear, unreal texture is detected as sRGB)
- Reduced VRAM usage of Unreal.
- Fixed that NDI sources with occasional low frame sending rates are not always refreshed properly (e.g. when using the NDI Screen Capture tool).
- Fixed that rendering frame rate indicator was not updated on the monoscopes when Sync was used on an output and its video mode was changed.
- Fixed that ASIO audio input did not work properly.
- Fixed that the installer did not add DirectX Runtime when it was missing.