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Using DMX with Aximmetry



In this article, we will discuss how to set up DMX in-, and outputs and also how to receive and create DMX messages in Aximmetry.

You can read about the DMX / ArtNet protocol in our general Controllers document.


There are two ways it can be done.

1. You can use any of the DMX Input modules. When you add one to your scene and select ArtNet: Node as Device, Aximmetry Composer automatically becomes an ArtNet node in your LAN and should appear on your console.



Here you also have to choose a specific Channel within a Net/Subnet/Universe. The full address also can be determined automatically. Turn On Learn and simply move any controller on any of your consoles.


After that, you always get the current channel value on the output pin, and you can control anything with it.


You can also receive 16-bit values occupying two consecutive channels (either Little or Big Endian):


By using the DMX Array Input module you can also describe a structure of several input data occupying a number of consecutive channels. Each data can be either 8bit or 16bit:



In this case, Channel designates the first channel where the data structure begins.

There is also a helper module for receiving RGB color data with an optional W component, called DMX Color Input. Components can be either 8 or 16bit:



2. Alternatively you can assign a DMX controller directly to any numeric property of any module. Right-click the header of the desired property and choose Assign DMX...



A controller learns panel appears.


You just have to move any of the controllers on any of your ArtNet consoles and the assignment is made.

Note that only 8-bit (single-channel) controllers can be used for this kind of assignment.

To see all of the assignments you made in your scene choose File / Properties and DMX Assignments.



In your compound, you can use the DMX * Out modules to send control to a selected device. If you open the dropdown list of their Device property the available ArtNet nodes on your network will be populated automatically.

clevd4.png clevd5.png

Here you also have to choose a specific Channel within a Net/Subnet/Universe.


You have to send scalar values between 0 and 1 into the Value property.


By default, these are converted into an 8-bit value (0 - 255) and sent to the specified DMX channel. But some devices expect 16-bit values (0 - 65535) laid out into two consecutive DMX channels. For these select a 16-bit Mode, either Big or Little Endian as expected by the device.


By using the DMX Array Output module you can also describe a structure of several input data occupying a number of consecutive channels. Each data can be either 8bit or 16bit:

clevd9.png clevd10.png

In this case, Channel designates the first channel where the data structure begins.

There is also a helper module for sending RGB color data with an optional W component. called DMX Color Output. Components can be either 8 or 16bit:

clevd11.png clevd12.png


You can set in the Manage Devices the network adapter and port on which you want Aximmetry to look for DMX devices:

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