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Introduction to Different Studios for Virtual Production



When planning to set up a virtual production studio, there are many parameters you need to take into account. First of all, you need to decide what sort of productions you will be involved in, what your clientele is, and what sort of clientele you want to aim for in the future. What industry do they represent (films, TV broadcasting, streaming, etc.), and what is the budget your potential clients can afford?

These parameters will predetermine whether you will need a green screen setup, which can be budget-friendly, or a more sophisticated LED wall setup. You may opt to use Augmented Reality, which is a mixture of the virtual world with the physical environment and can be combined with both the Green Screen and LED Wall techniques.

A short list of options Aximmetry can help you with:

  • Green Screen
    • Stationary Cameras
    • Moving Cameras
  • LED-Wall
    • Moving Cameras
  • Augmented Reality (AR)
    • Stationary Cameras
    • Moving Cameras

Also important to plan ahead with the number of cameras you are planning to use.

Articles in this Category

Studio Planning

Green Screen

LED Wall

AR/XR - Augmented Reality

Stationary or Moving Cameras?

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