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Tracked Camera Compounds


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In this article, you can read about the Tracked Camera compounds that come with Aximmetry. They are necessary for SE and DE workflows with moving studio cameras (tracked cameras). We will describe how to import and connect them to other items in the Flow Editor, and the Control Boards they include.

Tracked Camera

Tracked Camera in Aximmetry refers to a workflow that uses moving studio cameras equipped with a tracking device.

For stationary studio cameras without camera tracking systems, you can find more information on them in the Virtual Camera Compounds article.

Compound Locations

Aximmetry's Common_Library content package offers a number of different Tracked Camera compounds, depending on if you are using Aximmetry SE or DE.

Compound Folder - Aximmetry SE


Compound Folder - Aximmetry DE


Compound Names

Example: TrackedCam_3-Cam.xcomp

  • TrackedCam_ - the type of the camera compound. In the folders mentioned above, you will only find the ones that start with TrackedCam.
  • _3-Cam - can receive and process video inputs and tracking data up to 3 tracked cameras (3-Cam, 8-Cam).

Other additions to compound names:

  • +AR - used to add Augmented Reality elements in Green Screen production in DE. See: AR in Green and LED Wall Projects
  • _Unreal - must be used with Unreal virtual scenes (Aximmetry DE workflow).
  • MixedCam_ - a combination of TrackedCam and VirtualCam compounds. Only available for Unreal virtual scenes (Aximmetry DE workflow). See: Mixed Camera Compounds

Importing the Compound

Drag and drop the compound from the File Browser to the Flow Editor:

NOTE: If you already have another camera compound present in the Flow Editor and you want to change it, then you can simply drag and drop the new camera compound on top of the old one. This will preserve all compatible settings and connections while changing the compounds.

Connections in Aximmetry SE

Tracked Camera compounds used in Aximmetry SE workflow require the following compounds to be able to render a scene:

  • [Common_Studio]:Compounds\Render\Render_General_PBR.xcomp compound or the Render_General compound.
  • A camera Compound from: [Common_Studio]:Camera\TrackedCam\
  • Your Scene

Drag-n-drop them into the Flow Editor and set up the connections like so:

NOTE: You can find an example at [Studio]:News Room\News Room - TrackedCam_3-Cam.xcomp

Connections in Aximmetry DE

IMPORTANT: If you are not beginning with the Aximmetry Blank project, you must configure the settings as outlined in the Open or Create the Unreal Project section of the Aximmetry DE documentation.

Add an Aximmetry Camera in Unreal Editor

Choose the Green camera (tracked, 1-3 billboards) in the Unreal Editor:

Save and cook the project as described in the Cook the Project for Aximmetry section of the Aximmetry DE documentation.

Add Unreal Project to Aximmetry

In Aximmetry, drag in the .uproject file from your Unreal project root directory. This will create an Unreal Project module node.
Then connect the compound and Unreal project module as in the image:

Control Boards

After importing the compound, Aximmetry will automatically place the control boards included in the compound in the Menubar.
These are in the case of TrackedCam compounds:


Continue to Inputs

Inputs (Tracked Camera)

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