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Cameras Control Board of Virtual Camera Compounds


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The CAMERAS control board will be automatically added to the Aximmetry Composer Menu after importing any camera compound to your project.

Control Board Content

Depending on the compound, the number of panels, lines, and buttons might change, but generally in all camera compounds you will find the following:

Select Camera

The buttons allow you to change between virtual camera views by selecting them. The selected virtual camera's image will be visible on the Out and Preview pins of the compound.
The number of buttons depends on the camera compound you imported. This can be 3,4,8.


Here you can select if the camera's view should be rendered locally, or with a multi-machine setup, remotely.

Preview Monitor Content

Let you change what is displayed on the Preview output (of the VirtualCam compound):


This will put the program (final) output on the Preview.
NOTE: In this case, the content displayed on the Out pin and Preview pin of the VirtualCam compound will be the same.


This will display a matrix view on the Preview. The Matrix view consists of the Virtual Cameras (3, 4, or 8) and the Program out.
NOTE: In the case of a 4-cam compound, there is no Program out on the Matrix view.
NOTE: In the case of Aximmetry SE, only the currently selected camera will be rendered at the highest quality. The other preview cameras are default rendered at a lower quality. This is to save performance.
NOTE: In the case of Aximmetry DE, the virtual scene will only be visible on the program output. Additional preview outputs can only show the billboards' images. To see the complete scene on every output of the Matrix view you must use a Multi-Machine setup.

Cam #

This will display the selected camera on the Preview.


Preview Height

Sets the height of all non-selected camera previews in Matrix view. You can define the height in pixels.

Matrix Gap

Adds a gap between the previews in Matrix view. You can define the gap in pixels.


Adds antialiasing to the image. Can be None, 2x, 4x, or 8x.

Full Resolution Preview

Previews are by default rendered at lower resolutions than the final output. This is to save GPU time. However, you can set the preview to full resolution (same as the Program output).

HDR Render

Toggles HDR render on the preview.

On Screen Information

Displays information on the Preview.


Puts the following information on the preview:

FOV: The current Field-of-View value of the selected virtual camera.
CAM: The currently displayed camera on the Preview output.
PATH: The currently played virtual camera path.
SPD: The current playback speed value of the virtual camera path (meant in seconds as a measurement).


It places a safe area mark on the selected camera on the Preview.

NOTE: Notice the two white frames close to the edge of the image.


Places SDI input information on the Preview:


Info Font Size

Sets the size of the Info text.
NOTE: The default value is 32.

Label Font Size

Sets the size of the label which displays camera #.
NOTE: The default value is 32.

Label Font Color

Sets the color of the text for all info text and label display on the Preview.
NOTE: It does not change the background color of the text.

Show on Program

All selected on-screen info will also be displayed on the final Program output.

Show on Preview

All selected on-screen info will also be displayed on the Preview output.


Toggles the display of camera # labels on the Preview output.


Use this panel to start your stream directly from Aximmetry. More on streaming here:

Edit Camera Path

Virtual camera compounds allow you to create custom virtual camera movements.

To read more on creating, editing, and sequencing camera paths here:

Camera & Render Setup

Play Mode

Selected by default. When this is enabled, the virtual camera will move according to the path selected.

Camera Movement Controls

Stop, Pause, and Play camera movement.

External Control Mode

Select this feature if you want to change cameras or camera paths externally.

In order to do this, navigate to the FLOW editor and find the camera compound. You will find input pins starting with the word Playlist...

You can connect the external controller to these pins.

Playlist Select Cam will change cameras

Playlist Cam 1 Path will change the camera path for CAM 1


Free Camera Mode

Select this function to move the camera freely in the scene. You can use the camera mover mouse control. By default, you can move the camera in any preview window (This can be changed, but more on this in the Pin Values chapter).
None of the camera paths will apply, the camera will stay in place.

Pin Values

Edit On Channel

Here, you can limit in which channel (preview and output) the cameras can be moved. 0 = editable in all channels.

Capture Default

By default, the origin of the scene is the default position of the free camera if you reset it. With this feature, you can define the current position of the free camera as the default.
NOTE: This default position is also exposed on the camera compound in the Flow Editor as an input pin named Default Cam Pos.

Reset Free Cam

Reset the free cam to the default position.

CAM Motion Rate

Free camera mode motion speed

CAM Zoom Rate

Free camera mode zoom speed

CAM Rotation Rate

Free camera mode rotation speed


Turn ON to apply a soft vertical blur on interlaced video in order to get rid of twittering. Only works if the video output is interlaced.


Sharpens the output video.

Continue to Virtual Camera Movements

Once you learned about the basics of the Cameras Control Board, you can move on to setting up the Virtual Cameras:

Virtual Camera Movements - coming soon

Please continue here: Camera Sequencer

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