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Cameras Control Board of Tracked Camera Compounds


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This document provides an overview of the CAMERAS control board of the TrackedCam compounds. It discusses how to control cameras using the TrackedCam compound in Aximmetry, including virtual camera movements combined with tracked camera motions.

You can find the CAMERAS control board on the menu bar:

After clicking on it, you should see the following control panels on the board:

NOTE: The screenshot above was taken using the [Common_Studio]:Camera\TrackedCam\TrackedCam_3-Cam.xcomp compound. Other tracked camera compounds' CAMERAS control boards may vary in the number of cameras they can handle.

Select Camera

The CAMX buttons on the SELECT CAMERA control panel control which virtual camera is used for the program output.


Here you can select if the camera's view should be rendered locally, or with a Multi-Machine Setup, remotely.:

You can read more about these settings in a Multi-Machine use case scenario here: Cameras

Camera X VR Path

When using tracked cameras, we use tracking devices to follow the studio cameras' movement with the virtual cameras. The virtual cameras however are still capable of moving independently, that is, we can still add virtual camera movements on top of the tracked camera movements. This is especially useful in the case of small studio environments, where the tracked cameras only have limited space for their movements.

The CAMERA X VR PATH control panels offer programmable paths to set up additional virtual camera movements for the cameras.

IMPORTANT: In the case of Aximmetry SE, the Use Billboards and Allow Virtuals parameters (INPUTS/SCENE) must both be turned on for the use of virtual camera movements with tracked cameras.
IMPORTANT: In the case of Aximmetry DE, the Use Billboards parameter (INPUTS/SCENE) must be turned on for the use of virtual camera movements with tracked cameras.

VR Path

Path numbers 1 to 8 can be programmed with any sort of virtual camera movement following the same steps as in the case of the Virtual Camera Workflow.
NOTE: The paths can be overwritten by re-editing them. See the steps for Defining New Camera Paths.


You can specify an additional tracking device to move only the virtual camera, whereas the tracking device earlier specified on the INPUT X control panel of the INPUTS control board would still move the camera, the studio mask, and the Billboard.
Trk turns on/off the use of this additional tracking device's input to move the camera.


The Curve button turns on/off the smoothing effect on the virtual camera movements.



Tracking Device allows for specifying an additional tracking system used to add virtual camera movement on top of the tracked camera movements.
NOTE: Works only when the Trk button is turned on on the Camera X VR Path control panel.
Tracking Delay allows for manually setting a delay value for this tracking device.


These parameters specify the amount of time it takes to play the virtual camera movements. They use seconds for measurement.


Smooth provides an easy-in and ease-out effect on the virtual camera movements. In other words, it affects the speed curve of the virtual camera movements. The higher its value, the longer it will take for the virtual camera movements to speed up and down, resulting in softer, smoother movements.
NOTE: Works only when the Curve button is turned on.

Master Smooth affects the smoothing effect of every VR PATH (except for Trk).
Path X Smooth affects the smoothing effect of a single VR PATH.

Camera Mode

The CAMERA MODE control panel allows choosing between Free, Program, and Playlist camera modes, as well as to stop, pause, and play the virtual camera movements.

Free Mode

Free Mode allows you to navigate the camera in the virtual scene freely. It is mostly recommended to use during the setup process and to check our settings.
NOTE: To see the Billboards in Free Mode the Allow Virtuals pin (INPUTS\SCENE\Pin values) must be turned on.
NOTE: To learn more about how to control/move the camera, please refer to the Camera Mover Mouse Control document.

Program Mode

In Program Mode, you control the program output using the SELECT CAMERA control panel.

Playlist Mode

In Playlist Mode, you can program/externally control your cameras. In the Flow Editor, use the following pins on the TrackedCam compound to do this:

The Playlist Select Cam pin controls the SELECT CAMERA control panel's buttons (i.e. allows for switching between CAM 1, CAM 2, CAM 3, etc...)
The Playlist Cam X Path pins control the CAMERA X VR PATH control panels' buttons (i.e. allows for switching between camera paths)

NOTE: Programming the control of the cameras requires the use of the Sequencer.
To learn more about this you can refer to the Sequencer and Sequence Editor document.

NOTE: Externally controlling the cameras requires the use of External Controllers.
To learn more about these you can refer to the External Controllers documents.

Control buttons

The control buttons allow for Stopping, Pausing, and Playing the virtual camera movements.

Edit Camera Path

This control panel allows you to create simple virtual camera paths by defining their starting points (A) and ending points (B) as well as their playback mode and speed curve.

IMPORTANT: Editing the camera paths must always start by ensuring the right camera path is selected (i.e. the one you want to edit). By editing camera paths, all changes made to the path will overwrite the path's previous corresponding settings (e.g. changing the transformation of point A only will overwrite the previous transformation of point A only).

Defining New Camera Paths

The following buttons are used to create and manage camera paths:


When Playing mode is selected, the virtual camera path cannot be edited, but it can be controlled by the CAMERA MODE control panel's control buttons, and by the CAMERA X VR PATH control pannels' attributes.

A and B

A and B set the transformation (position and rotation) for the starting point (A) and ending point (B) of the virtual camera path. When selected, you can freely move the virtual camera in the virtual scene.
When A or B is selected, you'll see an EDIT MODE overlay on your preview video output:

NOTE: The screenshot above was taken using the [Studio]:News Room\News Room - TrackedCam_3-Cam.xcomp compound.

NOTE: Move the camera to the position you want your virtual camera path to start from (A) and arrive at (B).


To make setting up points A and B easier, you can copy/paste their transformation from one point to another.
Use the double document button (Copy) to copy the transformation of the currently selected point (A or B).
Use the single document button (Paste) to paste the transformation onto the currently selected point (A or B).

NOTE: It is recommended to copy/paste A to B first. This helps you to move the camera to the ending position easier.


This button resets the position and rotation of the selected point to the default values (A or B) by deleting its previously set transformation.

Global Settings

Global Settings affect the playback mode and speed curve settings of every virtual camera path.

Playback Settings

NOTE: The screenshot above represents the default settings of every TrackedCam compound.

Loop (left button): Creates a loop of the Virtual Camera Path, resulting in the following, endlessly repeated pattern: A -> B | A -> B | A -> B | ...

Bounce (center button): From the ending point (B) the Virtual Camera Path bounces back to its starting point (A), resulting in the following pattern: A -> B -> A

Reverse (right button): Switches up the starting point and the ending point, resulting in the following pattern: B -> A

NOTE: You can choose multiple playback modes at the same time (e.g. Loop and Bounce).

Speed Curve Settings

NOTE: The screenshot above represents the default settings of every TrackedCam compound.

Linear (left button): Sets constant speed for the playback of every virtual camera path.

Smooth (center button): Also called ease-in & ease-out. The speed increases when leaving an endpoint (A or B) and decreases upon arriving at an endpoint (A or B).

Mixed (right button): The speed is Linear on one end (point A by default) and Smooth (ease-out) on the other end (point B by default).
NOTE: This speed curve mode is affected by the Reverse playback mode.

NOTE: You can only choose one speed curve at any given time (Linear, Smooth, OR Mixed).

Preview Monitor Output

Let you change what is displayed on the Preview output (of the TrackedCam compound):


This will put the program (final) output on the Preview.
NOTE: In this case, the content displayed on the Out pin and Preview pin of the TrackedCam compound will be the same.


This will display a matrix view on the Preview. The Matrix view consists of the Virtual Cameras and the Program output (always placed in the upper left corner).

NOTE: In the case of Aximmetry SE, only the currently selected camera will be rendered at the highest quality. The other preview cameras are default rendered at a lower quality. This is to save performance.
NOTE: In the case of Aximmetry DE, the virtual scene will only be visible on the program output. Additional preview outputs can only show the billboards' images. To see the complete scene on every output of the Matrix view you must use a Multi-Machine setup.

Cam #

This will display the selected camera only on the Preview output.


Preview Height

Sets the height of all non-selected camera previews in Matrix view. You can define the height in pixels.

Matrix Gap

Adds a gap between the previews in Matrix view. You can define the gap in pixels.


Adds antialiasing to the image. Can be None, 2x, 4x, or 8x.
NOTE: Increasing the Antialias value will increase the GPU load as well.
NOTE: Only the SE TrackedCam compounds have this parameter. The DE version's Unreal TrackedCam compounds do not have it.

Full Resolution Preview

Previews are by default rendered at lower resolutions than the final output. This is to save GPU time. However, you can set the preview to full resolution (same as the Program output).

On Screen

Displays information on the Preview output by adding additional overlays on it.


Puts the following information on the preview:

FOV: The current Field-of-View value of the selected tracked camera.
CAM: The currently displayed camera on the Preview output.
PATH: The currently played virtual camera path.
SPD: The current playback speed value of the virtual camera path (meant in seconds as a measurement).


It places a safe area mark on the selected camera on the Preview:

NOTE: Notice the two white frames close to the edge of the image.


Places SDI input information on the Preview:

NOTE: In the case of genlocked tracking devices, a 'G' letter should be displayed at the right end of the displayed information (highlighted in the screenshot above). Checking this is a common way to ensure Aximmetry receives a genlocked tracking data input.


Info Font Size

Sets the size of the Info text.
NOTE: The default value is 32.

Cam Font Size

Sets the size of the label which displays camera #.
NOTE: The default value is 32.

Label Font Color

Sets the color of the text for all info text and label display on the Preview.
NOTE: It does not change the background color of the text.

Show on Program

All selected on-screen info will also be displayed on the final Program output.

Show on Preview

All selected on-screen info will also be displayed on the Preview output.

Show Matte SDI

Displays SDI information of the external keyer's SDI input.
NOTE: Displayed only when SDI is turned on on the ON SCREEN control panel.


Use this panel to start your stream directly from Aximmetry. More on streaming here:

Continue to Introduction to Green Screen Production

With this document, you finished the Tracked Camera Workflow. You can head back to the Introduction to Green Screen Workflow to learn more about Green Screen Production:

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