Please note that this is a BETA version of the document. All information presented is correct but we are working on improving the details. |
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This document discusses the Billboard's ability for occlusion in the virtual scene.
Occlusion requires the use of Billboards. To enable it, simply head to the SCENE control panel, and turn on the Use Billboard feature.
The Billboard is a two-dimensional model in the three-dimensional virtual space. Therefore,
- any virtual object placed behind the Billboard is occluded by the Billboard
- any virtual object placed in front of the Billboard can occlude the Billboard.
Occlusion can also be combined with previously discussed features, such as Shadows and Reflections.
Shadows on Objects Occluded by the Billboard
You can set the Billboard to cast virtual shadows on the nearby Objects occluded by the Billboard.
You can learn more about how to achieve this here: Tracked Camera Billboards: Shadows and Lights
Example of an Object being occluded by the Billboard, with virtual shadows cast on it by the Billboard:
NOTE: These screenshots were created using the following stock studio scene: [Studio]:News Room\News Room - TrackedCam_3-Cam.xcomp
Shadows on the Billboard Occluded by Objects
The Objects can cast virtual shadows on the Billboard.
You can learn more about how to achieve this here: Tracked Camera Billboards: Shadows and Lights
Example of an Object occluding the Billboard, with virtual shadows cast on it by the Object:
NOTE: these screenshots were created using the following stock studio scene: [Studio]:News Room\News Room - TrackedCam_3-Cam.xcomp
Reflections on the Objects Occluding the Billboard
In case the Object occluding the Billboard has a reflective surface, you can use that reflective surface to display the Reflection of the Billboard.
You can learn more about the Reflections of the Billboard here: Tracked Camera Billboards: Reflections
Example of Reflection on an Object occluding the Billboard:
NOTE: This screenshot was created using a custom Unreal scene. The following elements on the screenshot are rendered by Aximmetry: the table with a reflective surface, the reflections on the table, the Billboard, the tree, and the fire.