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Billboards in Unreal Engine

Please note that this is a BETA version of the document. All information presented is correct but we are working on improving the details.


If you place objects in front of the billboard, you have to take some steps to avoid visual artifacts. The reason is that Unreal uses Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA) to make the edges of objects look smooth.
The original TAA algorithm makes the billboard very blurry so we modified it to fix this problem. This modified version needs to know about objects in front of the billboard to correctly handle edges and translucency.
To provide this information, you have to mark all objects that can occlude the billboard with a special stencil value:

Opaque objects

  • Select the object.
  • In the Detail window, go to the Rendering section.
  • Enable Render CustomDepth Pass.
  • Set CustomDepth Stencil Value to 16.

Note: Not doing this results in aliasing and jittering at the edge of the object.

Translucent objects

  • Select the object.
  • In the Detail window, go to the Rendering section.
  • Enable Render CustomDepth Pass.
  • Set CustomDepth Stencil Value to 32.
  • Go to the material editor by double-clicking the translucent material in the Content Browser.
  • In the Details window, enable Translucency / Allow Custom Depth Writes.
  • Set Material / Opacity Mask Clip Value to 0.

Note: Not doing this results in aliasing and jittering at the edge of the object and in front of the billboard.

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