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Camera Mover Mouse Control


Control Keys

The following keys can change the position and orientation of the camera in Aximmetry's camera mover systems.
NOTE: To use these keyboard and mouse shortcuts, the focus must be on an output window or preview panel.


Key: Space + Wheel or Space + Left Mouse

Changes the camera's focal length, also referred to as the field of view.


Key: Alt + Space + Left Mouse

Changes the camera's focus.
NOTE: Focus effects are usually recreated with Depth of Field (DOF) in 3D rendering.

Rotate Keys

(Tilt and Pan)

Key: Left Mouse


Key: Insert & Delete


Key: Alt + Left Mouse


Key: Alt + Middle Mouse or Alt + Wheel or PageUp & PageDown

In-place looking around.

Rotating the camera left or right.

Orbiting around the selected object or the origin if nothing is selected. The selected object can be many things, for example, a model, a mesh module, a scene module, or even a Control Board panel under the right circumstances.

Rotating around the camera’s axis.
Allow roll must be turned on in File > Properties \ Scene Editing.

Position Keys


Key: Middle Mouse


Key: Alt + Right Mouse or Alt + arrow keys or Alt + WASD


Key: Alt + Space + Middle Mouse


Key: Alt + Left + Right Mouse or Alt + Home & End


Key: Wheel or Space + Right Mouse

Moving up, down, left, and right in the camera’s image plane.

Moving left, right, forward, and backward in the camera’s horizontal plane.

Moving left or right in the camera’s horizontal plane.

Moving up or down along the camera’s vertical axis.

Moving forward or backward along the camera’s axis.

Position World Keys

Shift World

Key: Only available in 3D Studio Max mover system

Move World

Key: Right Mouse or arrow keys or WASD

Truck World

Key: Space + Middle Mouse

Pedestal World

Key: Left + Right Mouse or Home & End

 Moving up, down, left, and right in the world plane.

Moving left, right, forward, and backward in the world's horizontal plane.

Moving left or right in the world's horizontal plane.

Moving up or down along the world's vertical axis.

NOTE: To use the WASD keys, the Allow using WASD keys for moving must be turned on in File > Properties \ Scene Editing.


Each mouse or keyboard movement speed can be changed with the following keys:

  • Ctrl: Increases speed by 10x.
  • Shift: Decreases speed to 1/10th.
  • Ctrl + Shift: Decreases speed to 1/100th.

Reset Position

Key: O

Resets the camera to the Default Position.

NOTE: In camera compounds with virtual camera paths, the Default Position can be captured with the Capture Default trigger.
NOTE: The Default Position is defined by the Camera Mover module's Default Position, Zoom, and Focus pins.

Other Control Key Schemes

You can change the camera mover key layout to different schemes using the Camera mover system setting at  File > Properties \ Scene Editing:

The control keys specific to different camera mover systems and for the NumPad:


3D Studio Max


Cinema 4D

Modo / Lightwave



Zoom Space + Wheel or Space + Left Mouse Space + Wheel or Space + Left Mouse Space + Wheel or Space + Left Mouse Space + Wheel or Space + Left Mouse Space + Left Mouse Wheel or Left + Right Mouse
Focus Alt + Space + Left Mouse Alt + Space + Left Mouse  Alt + Space + Left Mouse Alt + Space + Left Mouse - - -
Left Mouse Left Mouse
Left Mouse Left Mouse -
Right Mouse

Pan Insert & Delete Insert & Delete Insert & Delete Insert & Delete Insert & Delete Insert & Delete 0 & ,
Orbit Alt + Left Mouse Alt + Middle Mouse
Alt + Left Mouse Alt + Left Mouse Alt + Left Mouse - -
Roll  Alt + Middle Mouse or Alt + Wheel or PageUp & PageDown Alt + Wheel or PageUp & PageDown Space + Right Mouse or PageUp & PageDown Space + Right Mouse or PageUp & PageDown PageUp & PageDown  
PageUp & PageDown 3 & 9
Shift Middle Mouse Middle Mouse
(inverse logic)
Alt + Middle Mouse
(inverse logic)
Alt + Middle Mouse
(inverse logic)
- -
Move Alt + Right Mouse or Alt + arrow keys or Alt + WASD Space + Right Mouse or arrow keys or WASD Middle Mouse or arrow keys or WASD Middle Mouse or Alt + arrow keys or Alt + WASD Alt + arrow keys or Alt + WASD Alt + arrow keys or Alt + WASD -
Truck Alt + Space + Middle Mouse Alt + Space + Middle Mouse Alt + Space + Middle Mouse Alt + Space + Middle Mouse - - -
Pedestal Alt + Left + Right Mouse or Alt + Home & End
Alt + Left + Right Mouse or Alt + Home & End
Alt + Left + Right Mouse or Alt + Home & End
Alt + Left + Right Mouse or Alt + Home & End
Alt + Home & End
Alt + Home & End
Dolly  Wheel or Space + Right Mouse  Wheel or Ctrl + Alt + Middle Mouse or Alt + Right Mouse Wheel or Alt + Right Mouse (inverse logic) Wheel or Alt + Right Mouse - - -
Shift World -
Alt + Left Mouse
(inverse logic)
- - - Left Mouse
(constant Z axis)
Move World  Right Mouse or arrow keys or WASD  Right Mouse or Alt + arrow keys or Alt + WASD Right Mouse or Alt + arrow keys or Alt + WASD Right Mouse or arrow keys or WASD arrow keys or WASD arrow keys or WASD 4 & 6 & 8 & 2
Truck World Space + Middle Mouse Space + Middle Mouse Space + Middle Mouse Space + Middle Mouse - - -
Pedestal World  Left + Right Mouse or Home & End  Left + Right Mouse or Home & End  Left + Right Mouse or Home & End  Left + Right Mouse or Home & End Home  & End Home & End 7 & 1
Reset Position O

NOTE: The Placer system can only be chosen through the Camera Mover module's System pin.
NOTE: To use the WASD keys, the Allow using WASD keys for moving must be turned on in File > Properties \ Scene Editing.

Edit On Channel

In camera compounds, you can limit which channels (preview and output) the cameras can be moved with the Edit On Channel parameter in the CAMERA MODE control panel of the CAMERAS control board:

NOTE: 0 is a special value which means the cameras are editable in every channel.
NOTE: In the Camera Mover module, the On Channel pin has the same functionality.

Snapshot All Controllers

The Snapshot All Controllers option saves the camera's location for the next startup of the compound:

NOTE: Camera compounds' virtual paths snapshot their location automatically, but for the Free camera, you can use the Snapshot All Controllers option.

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