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Antilatency Setup



In this article, we will describe how to set up Antilatency in Aximmetry as a camera tracking system.

We consider Antilatency as an experimental system when talking about camera tracking since it was not developed for such a purpose. However, you can still achieve good results with the system.

Preparation of the hardware

IMPORTANT: Starting from Aximmetry version 2024.2.0, please upgrade AntilatencyService to the latest 4.2.0 before using it with Aximmetry.

First, install AntilatencyService
Please make sure that you have updated this to the newest version!

Setup your environment in the Environments tab of the AntilatencyService.

In the Placements tab, you can set up the orientation of the tracker, however if you use Antilatency for the purpose of camera tracking then there is no need to make adjustments here.

Check the Device Network tab after connecting the device if it appeared. If yes, then it is properly connected. At this time the tracker's LED should be blinking white.

If you have correctly set up your environment and tracker orientation in AntilatencyService, it should be easy to set up Antilatency in Aximmetry.

Aximmetry Setup

Antilatency can be used with any edition of Aximmetry, all the way from the Studio edition.

Start Aximmetry Composer.

In the Startup Configuration, enter Manage Devices...

Select Antilatency in the Game category.

Select the device you wish to use for tracking in the Use device dropdown menu.

In the example, it is called AltSocket01, but yours will be named differently. You can also rename any device in AntilatencyService's Device Network tab.

If the device is properly connected, the tracker should be pulsating in green. Also, the Cur position values should be jittering, but just by a very small amount.

Click OK.

For further setup within your Aximmetry project, please follow the How to Set Up Tracking Systems in Aximmetry documentation.

Calibration with Aximmetry

With Aximmetry Camera Calibrator

We recommend calibrating your Antilatency device using Aximmetry Camera Calibrator, as it is an automatized, easy-to-use solution.

With Aximmetry Basic Calibrator

Alternatively, you can also choose to calibrate with Aximmetry Basic Calibrator, which offers a manual calibration workflow.

In this case, after launching Aximmetry Camera Calibrator, in the Manage Devices... menu find Antilatency under the Game category. Select the tracker you would like to use from the Use device dropdown menu.

If you see live reported values appear at the Cur position parameter, then Antilatency already reads the position of the tracker. The Aximmetry Camera Calibrator will make all the necessary calculations to calibrate Antilatency, so there's no need to adjust any of the other parameters.

Possible Issues

If the Placement is not correctly set up in AntilatencyService, then you need to adjust the tracker's orientation and position to better match the virtual scene. You can do this with Aximmetry Basic Calibrator's Delta head transformation property. Or you can set it up in the ORIGIN of the INPUTS control board of a tracked camera.

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