This document lists and describes all available command line switches you can use with Aximmetry.
All applications
- /quick - quick launch, skip Startup Configuration
- /quiet - quiet launch, no splash screen and skip Startup Configuration
- /delay:time - delayed launch, specified in milliseconds
- /config - Startup Configuration only
- /restoreopt:filename - restore settings from the specified backup (see Manage Settings...)
- /asio - use ASIO audio input devices instead of DirectX ones
- filename - open an xcomp or xshad file
- /frame:width,height - set default rendering Frame Size (see Preferences / Rendering)
- /fps:value - set rendering frames per second (see Preferences / Rendering)
- /server - enables controlling Composer via HTTP messages (see Enable HTTP Control)
- /watch - uses Watchdog to recover from crashes (see Watchdog)
- /pilot - only shows Control Boards
- /viewer - only a large Preview and the Dashboard are shown
- /dshowlegacy - replaces the Microsoft Media Foundation multimedia framework pipeline with the legacy Microsoft DirectShow multimedia framework
- /legacystartup - launches the Composer with the old Startup Configuration window, as it appeared before version 2025.1.0.
- /action: - allows the execution of an HTTP command at startup. This command must be provided as a URL-encoded XML string. If an instance of the application is already running, the entire command line is passed to it, not just the document name.
For example, the command: /action:%3Caction%20type%3D%22ComposerCloseAllDocumentsAction%22%2F%3E is the URL-encoded version of the XML string: <action type="ComposerCloseAllDocumentsAction"/>
- filename - open an xpack file
- /install - install the package specified in the filename, no confirmations asked, quits afterward
- /uninstall - uninstall the package specified in the filename, no confirmations asked, quits afterward