The Sequencer module is a versatile animation tool that can be used for many tasks.
The Sequencer uses keyframes to define an animation. Most of Aximmetry's data types can be used as keyframes. Color keyframes for example can animate the color change of your DMX lighting and Scalar keyframes for example can animate the progression of a smooth video transition. There are endless ways to use the different keyframe types. The Sequencer can even run animations of 3D models.
Double-clicking on the Sequencer module opens the Sequence Editor. In the Sequence Editor, it is possible to add keyframes and resize the animation.
However, it is only possible to add keyframes if the Sequencer module is connected to a module through its Tracks pin.
For example, in the screenshot below the Sequencer is connected to the Sequence Scalar module with the Tracks pin. The Sequence Scalar stores the track and keys, which the Sequencer can edit and play.
The Scalar Peeker module was added in the above example to make editing the Sequence Scalar easier by showing its current value in a preview.
If the sequencer is not exposed to an active output or for example connected to a Force Execution module, then the Sequence Editor won't be active and won't be able to play.
Modules with Pin Connection to Sequencer
- Camera Mover
- Sequence Node
- Sequence Audio
- Sequence Color
- Sequence Video
- Sequence Double
- Sequence Scalar
- Sequence Vector
- Sequence Integer
- Sequence Logical
- Sequence Trigger
- Sequence Rotation
Meteo Plugin:
- Geo Location
- Meteo Data Track
- Meteo Grid
Playing State
Playing State will determine in what state will be the Sequencer when starting the compound. The Play, Pause, and Stop in the Sequencer Editor don't affect the Playing State.
For example, if you paused the playback in the Sequence Editor and you save the compound, then the next time you run the compound it will automatically play the Sequencer as it is in the Playing State and not as how you paused in the Sequence Editor.
Triggering the Sequencer's Play, Pause, Stop, and Restart pins is like using the Playing State. They will change the value of the Playing State.
Curve Editor
The Curve Editor is similar to the Sequence Editor but has reduced functionality. Consequently, some of the information presented below will also apply to the Curve Editor.
The Curve Editor can be used in the Curve, Function, Color Curve, Curve Gradient, and Curve LUT modules.
Sequence Editor
The Sequencer Editor has many elements, each element is listed in the following paragraphs as they are numbered in the picture below:
Middle Mouse Navigation
The Middle mouse button pans the view in time if moved left and right. And scrolls between tracks if moved up and down.
CTRL + Middle mouse button zooms in and out of time if moved left and right. And zooms in and out of value scales if moved up and down.
SHIFT + Middle mouse button scrolls in values scales of a track.
1. Part or Keyframe Editing
With Part and Key buttons, it is possible to switch between editing the parts (19) or the keys (20) in the sequence.
ALT + Mouse click adds new parts or keys:
When the Key editing button is selected, it is still possible to edit parts by pressing the right mouse button instead of the left mouse button.
Delete keyboard button deletes selected parts or keys:
By default when resizing a part, all the keyframes stay in the same place.
If CTRL is pressed down when resizing, then all the keyframes will move with the end of the part.
If SHIFT is pressed down when resizing, then all the keyframe animations will be stretched:
Pressing the T button can split parts and Shift + T can merge parts:
Parts or keys can be cut using the CTRL + X shortcut, copied with the CTRL + C shortcut, and pasted with the CTRL + V shortcut.
Read more about parts in Part (19) paragraph and more on keys in Keyframes (20) paragraph.
2. Quantize Time
Turning on Qutz forces parts and keyframes to exactly fall on frames when placing them.
When Quantize time is turned off, it is possible to put keyframes, parts, and the cursor between frames:
When Quantize time is turned on, keyframes, parts, and the cursor can only be placed exactly on a frame:
The highlighted small lines mark each frame.
By default, the number of frames per second in your animation is determined by Aximmetry's frame rate. However, this can be overwritten as described in Set Time Format (12).
3. Snap
Snap will place the currently selected sequencer item exactly to the place of a closeby part, keyframe, cursor, marker, loop, or zero value.
For example, turning on snap helps in placing keyframes exactly at the locations of the cursor or parts, or even to the keyframes of other tracks. Also in the case of the Sequence Scalar module, it snaps to the values 0 and 1:
And for example, one can snap the cursor or the part to keyframes:
It is possible to snap by holding down the SHIFT key even when Snap is turned off.
4. Loop
The Loop repeats a region (6) or the whole sequence endlessly. Switching between the region and the whole sequence can be done with the Auto Loop (5).
It can also be turned on/off with the Sequencer module's Looping input pin:
Loop Ended output pin triggered when the sequencer reached or passed over the end.
5. Auto Loop
When Auto is turned on, Loop (4) and Stay (7) are applied for the whole sequence.
The end of the whole sequence is the end of the last part in any of the tracks.
When Auto is turned off a Loop and Stay Region (6) can be defined.
It can also be turned on/off with the Sequencer module's Auto Loop Reg input pin.
6. Loop and Stay Region
Region for Loop (4) and Stay (7) region can be moved by grabbing the purple lines at the timeline:
Or directly specifying the start and the end positions:
Consider the Time Format (12) when directly specifying positions.
Or modify start and end positions with the Sequencer module's Loop Start and Loop End input pins. Corresponding output pins can transmit the start and end position to other nodes in the Flow Editor.
7. Stay
When Stay is turned on, the sequencer stops playing when it reaches the end of the whole sequence. Or when it reaches the loop region's end and the loop (4) is turned off.
It can also be turned on/off with the Sequencer module's Stay in Loop Reg input pin.
8. Cursor Position
Displays the cursor's (23) current position. It can also be used to exactly set the cursor's position.
Consider the Time Format (12) when specifying positions.
9. Playhead Position
Displays the playhead's (22) current position.
Consider the Time Format (12) when reading positions.
10. Follow Playhead
When Flw is turned on, the view in the Sequencer will follow the Playhead when the Playhead leaves the window:
When turned off, the view stays in one place even when the Playhead left the window.
11. Play Speed
The speed at which the Sequencer is playing.
If set for example to 0.5, then playback will happen at half speed, meaning what took 1 second before will take 2 seconds in real-time. If set for example to 4, then playback will happen 4 times faster, meaning what took 4 seconds before will take 1 second in real-time.
Play speed can also be modified with the Sequencer module's Speed input pin.
12. Set Time Format
Changes the displayed time, for example on the Timeline Timestamps (15).
The various settings are used by the various time formats. For example, the Beats per minute setting is used if the Measures and beats (M:B:TTT) time format is selected:
Note, that this Set Time Format only applies to the currently selected sequencer.
While Use default is turned on, the time format uses the settings from File->Properties->Timing. If you want to change the time format for every sequencer in the compound, it is recommended to change the time format in File->Properties->Timing.
13. Sequencer Module Selector
The Sequencer module selector is used to easily switch between various Sequencers in your compound.
14. Select Sequencer Module Pin Values
Selects the currently selected Sequence's Sequencer module. This will cause the Pin Values window to display this Sequencer module's pins.
It is mostly used when changing sequences with the Sequencer Module Selector (13).
15. Timeline Timestamps
On top, the timeline is visible. The displayed timestamp format can be changed in the Set Time Format (12).
The default time format is Hour:Minute:Seconds:Frame where the Frame counting resets at every second.
16. Track
Each connected reference pin to the Sequencer module generates a track.
It is possible to change the order of the tracks by dragging them:
Tracks inherit their names from the modules.
If the module has more than one sequencer reference pin, then the sequencer reference pin's name is also displayed:
17. Zoom Levels
There are 4 different zoom size levels:
Minimum zoom size can not interact with keys.
Small zoom size can only move keys in time.
Large zoom size can move keys in time and value.
Maximum zoom size can move keys in time and value. Resizes the track to fill out the whole Sequence Editor window.
For example, Sequence Video or Sequence Vector has multiple types of scalar keys in one track. In these cases their scalar key types are on different lines in the 1. minimum and 2. small zoom levels and the lines don't represent their scalar value:
In the 3. large and 4. Maximum size zoom levels all the scalar key types are displayed according to their value:
However, the above display can cause overlapping. This can be circumvented, by using the color dots to defocus scalar key types.
Below, we only kept Y (Green) in focus. Adding new keys with the mouse is only possible on the focused key type, which is the Y (Green) in this case:
Display size and zoom level can also be changed by dragging the border of the track:
There are also different ways to pan and zoom with Middle Mouse Navigation.
18. Auto-Zoom to Keyframe Values
Resizes the value scales so that the keys with the lowest and the highest values are always in view.
19. Part
A track can have multiple parts. The part can be resized, split, or merged as it is shown in the Part or Keyframe Editing (1) paragraph.
A part can be cut (CTRL + X), copied (CTRL + C), and pasted (CTRL + V). These actions not just copy the track, but any keyframes within it. And in the case of Sequence Video and Sequence Audio modules, these actions also copy the frames of that video or audio part.
You can even paste tracks into different tracks as long the track has the same sequence module type. In the case of Sequence Video and Sequence Audio, the sequence modules also need to have the same video or audio file when copying into different tracks.
For example in Sequence Video, it is possible to play frames of a video multiple times at arbitrary points by copy-pasting parts at different locations:
The part's properties are displayed at Part Properties (31).
20. Keyframes
A keyframe defines a value and transition behavior at a specific point along the timeline.
Different types of keyframes are detailed in the Keyframe Editor Types paragraph. The keyframe's properties are displayed at Keyframe Properties (31).
Multiple keys can be selected with CTRL or SHIFT and also with drag-select. And the keys can be cut (CTRL + X), copied (CTRL + C), and pasted (CTRL + V).
21. Bezier Control
If a keyframe is set to have a Bezier transition in the Keyframe Properties (31), then the curve of the transition between the keyframes can be changed near the key:
22. Cursor
The cursor can be dragged to scroll through the animation. Or to show the state of an animation at a specific point.
Some of the buttons and shortcuts are executed at the position of the cursor.
23. Playhead
Playhead shows the current time of the sequence when the sequencer is being played or paused (25).
When the sequencer is stopped (25), the current time is always at the position of the cursor (22) and playhead is not shown.
When paused (25), the playhead jumps to the location of the cursor if the cursor is moved. Otherwise, the playhead stays at the time of the pause.
24. Marker
Markers for example can control playback or trigger events in the Flow Editor logic. They can also be very useful as a simple visual marking for different parts in the Sequence Editor.
To add markers ALT + mouse click on the Timeline (15):
The selected marker's exact position, text, color, and loop behavior can be edited in the Keyframe, Part, or Marker Properties (31) area:
Markers can affect the playback of the sequence with the following pins of the Sequencer module.
The Halt At Marker pin will stop playback at the marker with the same number. Changing the Halt At Marker number will continue the playback and the playback will go on until it reaches the new Halt At Marker value:
This behavior is usually used with the Incremental module. The Incremental module can be used to save the current marker's number. And increase, decrease, or reset the value for the Halt At Marker pin.
When the Halt At Marker points to a marker where the Loop marker property is enabled, then the playback will loop between that marker and the marker before:
The Jump pin moves the playback to the marker specified by the Jump To Marker pin:
NOTE: All the pins above can be controlled by connections from other nodes inside the Flow Editor.
The Sequencer module's At Marker output pin transmits the last marker's number that the playback passed or stopped at. The Halted output pin is triggered when the playback is stopped by the marker.
For example with these pins, it is possible to trigger effects based on the positions of the markers in the sequence.
25. Play, Pause and Stop
The Play, Pause, and Stop can control the playback in the Sequence Editor. Note however that the changes caused by these buttons won't affect the Sequencer's starting state when restarting the compound, as they don't change the Playing State pin.
Where the animation goes when stopped can be changed with the On Stop Go To input pin of the Sequencer module. But this pin only works if the Sequence Editor is closed. Otherwise, it always stops at the position of the cursor.
26. Bounce
When reaching the end, Bounce turns the playback backward until the playback reaches the start position.
Where the bounce happens is determined by the Loop (4), Auto Loop (5), Loop and Stay Region (6), and Stay (7) settings.
It can also be turned on/off with the Bounce input pin of the Sequencer module.
27. Backwards
Backwards plays the sequence in the opposite direction, causing the playback to go from the end to the start.
It can also be turned on/off with the Backwards input pin of the Sequencer module.
28. Capture Keyframes
This feature is used only when a Sequence Node or a Camera Mover module is connected to the Sequencer module.
The Sequence Node can save an object's transformation as keyframes. For example when moving an object in the preview:
The Camera Mover module can move a virtual camera with the mouse in the preview. And the Capture keyframes can save this virtual camera's position, rotation, zoom, and focus as keys.
For example, you can use the Virtual Camera compound's SEQ mode with a Camera Mover and a Sequencer module. This enables to easily save and run camera positions with keyframes:
Keyframes can be even captured where there is no part, in that case, the closest part will be extended until the new keyframe.
29. Select All or Deselect All for Capture
This feature is used only when a Sequence Node or a Camera Mover module is connected to the Sequencer module.
Selects all or none of the tracks to be included in the Capture Keyframes (28).
It is also possible to set which track to capture, by individually clicking on the clapperboard icons of the tracks:
30. Render
Plays the whole sequence until the end of the last part or plays the Loop and Stay Region (6) once.
While the Render is playing the sequence, the Rendering output pin is turned On. When this pin is connected to the Video Recorder module and not the realtime Frame Rate is used in the Video Recorder, then this pin ensures that the first and the last played frame by the Sequencer is recorded:
Render can also be triggered with the Render input pin of the Sequencer module.
31. Keyframe, Part, or Marker Properties
The area where the selected keyframe, part, or marker's properties are displayed.
It is possible to multi-select these items and multi-edit their properties. Multi-selecting can be done by pressing down CTRL or by drag-select.
The specific properties when keyframes are selected are listed in the Keyframe Types paragraph.
The specific properties when markers are selected are listed in the Marker paragraph (24).
In the case of when a part is selected, an exact length can be specified with the Len property. Or the start and end time can be specified with the Range properties.
Pre parameter determines how the animation behaves until the first keyframe. And Post determines how the animation behaves after the last keyframe.
These behaviors are applied even outside of the part when the play head left the part's range.
The list of available Pre and Post behaviors:
- Reset: stays at zero value.
- Constant: stays at the value of the first or last keyframe.
- Linear: the animation changes at the rate it changed at the first or last keyframes.
- Repeat: keeps repeating every keyframe.
- OffsetRepeat: keeps repeating every keyframe. Each repeat is offset by the difference between the first and last keyframe.
- Oscillate: repeats the keyframes backward and then forward and so on.
Sequence Editor Window
The Sequencer Editor's window can be grabbed by its tab header and placed into a new window or into a panel dock.
This can be especially useful if you are using the Sequence Editor extensively in your project.
Keyframe Types
The following modules are controlled by scalar keyframes in the Sequence Editor:
Sequence Vector, Sequence Scalar, Sequence Double, Sequence Rotation, Sequence Node, Sequence Video, Sequence Audio, and Camera Mover.
When a keyframe is selected, an exact position can be specified in Time and Value properties:
IN and OUT control the shape of the transition's line between the keyframes:
The selected keyframe's IN is identical to the previous keyframe's OUT. And the selected keyframe's OUT is identical to the next keyframe's IN.
L stands for Locked. When it is turned on, IN and OUT will stay the same:
List of transition schemes for IN and OUT:
- Hold:
The value stays the same in the transition. - Linear:
The transition happens at a constant speed. - TCB:
TCB stands for Tension, Continuity, and Bias.
The Tension defines how sharply the keyframe will be targeted. Continuity defines how the tangent is computed. Bias defines which side segment before and after the keyframe will have more influence on the computed tangent. - Bezier:
Bezier can be modified inside the part with Bezier Control (21). The further the Bezier handle moved from the keyframe the stronger its effect:
Turning on Smth pairs the direction of the IN and OUT Bezier. - Auto Bezier:
Ease controls the smoothing of the curve. And Slope controls the speed at which the curve transitions. - Exponential:
Slope controls the strength and direction of the exponential function's curve. - Power:
Similar to the Exponential, it changes the power of the exponential function instead of the exponent. - Sine:
Uses the trigonometric sine function to generate smooth transitions.
Camera Mover modules have a special option to export the animation track as an FBX when right-clicking on the track:
Sequence Video and Sequencer Camera modules have special pins that can reset the track part's length:
This can be used to resize the part to the video or audio track's length when the source file changes in the module.
Sequence Color modules define keyframes as RGBA colors. Alpha's value can also be changed inside the track.
The Midpoint can change the transition speed from linear to exponential.
Double-clicking the keyframe inside the track brings up the color selector window.
Color Curve and Curve Gradient modules have the same color keyframes as described above.
Sequence Integer modules define keyframes as integer values.
It is possible to change the background color, text color, and note text of each integer keyframe.
The Name property is given for the specific integer Value. So when the next time the same integer value is used, there is no need to give the same name again.
Sequence Logical modules define keyframes as logical On or Off values.
It is possible to change the background color, text color, and note text of each logical keyframe.
The Name property is given for the On or the Off value. So when the next time the same On or Off value is used, there is no need to give the same name again.
Double-clicking the keyframe inside the track flips the logical value of the keyframe.
Sequence Trigger modules define keyframes as points in time. When the keyframe is reached, the Sequence Trigger is triggered.
It is possible to change the background color, text color, and note text of each trigger keyframe.
In backward playback the Sequence Trigger keyframes are only triggered if the Backward pin is turned on in the Sequence Trigger module:
The same is true for normal playback and Forward pin.
Animation in Models
When importing DAE models with animation, Sequencers are generated inside the model to run the animations:
It is possible to change the playback of the animation by changing the Sequencer module's settings. And new Sequencer modules can be added to run animation separately. But the keyframes of the model's animations can not be edited in the Sequencer Editor.
There are several shortcuts related to the Sequence Editor, and most of them are listed in this documentation.
Note that for the shortcut to work, the tracks area of the Sequence Editor has to be in focus. This is represented by a blue outline: