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Keyboard Shortcuts



Composer's shortcuts are modifiable in Edit > Preferences \ Keyboard Shortcuts.


  • Alt + F4 - Close Composer
  • Ctrl + P - preferences
  • Ctrl + Z - undo
  • Ctrl + Shift + Z | Ctrl + Y' - redo


  • Ctrl + O - open document
  • Ctrl + S - save document
  • Ctrl + Shift + S - save a document as
  • Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S - save the document by incrementing the index embedded in its name
  • Ctrl + W | Ctrl + F4 - close document
  • Ctrl + Shift + W - close all documents
  • Ctrl + E - document properties
  • Ctrl + Shift + F - search file (jump to the search field of the File Browser)


  • F8 - jump to the active document
  • Ctrl + F8 - jump to the currently running document
  • F9 - bring all fullscreen outputs to the front
  • Esc while the focus is on the document area - close all browser panels
  • Esc while the focus is on any panel - put the focus back to the document area
  • Ctrl + Q - close the focused panel
  • Tab - hide/show all panels
  • Shift + Tab - maximize/reset the focused panel
  • Ctrl + Tab, Ctrl + Shift + Tab - switching between tabs in the focused window
  • F1 - switch to the Flow Editor
  • F2 - circular switching among the Control Boards
  • F3 - switch to the TEST level
  • Alt + 1 .. 9 - switch to the Control Board with the given index
  • Shift + 1 .. 9 - create a bookmark with the given index for the current view
  • Ctrl + Shift + Alt + 1 .. 9 - delete the bookmark with the given index
  • Ctrl + 1 .. 9 - switch to the bookmark with the given index

Flow Editor

  • Drag the mouse with the middle button down - pan the view
  • Ctrl + Drag mouse with middle button down - pan the view while using a minified map
  • Ctrl + Drag a pin connection outside the Flow Editor - pan the view
  • Mouse wheel - zooming the view
  • Ctrl + NumPad0 - set the default zoom
  • Ctrl + NumPad+ - magnify the view
  • Ctrl + NumPad- - minify the view
  • Ctrl + A - select all modules in the current view
  • Ctrl + D - deselect all
  • Ctrl + F - open the Search Panel in Local mode
  • Shift + F - open the Search Panel in Global mode
  • Left click - select an individual module
  • Ctrl + Left click - add/remove a module from the selection
  • Drag the mouse with the left button down from an empty area - select modules within a rectangular area
  • Shift + Drag mouse with left button down from an empty area - add modules within a rectangular area to the selection
  • Ctrl + Drag mouse with left button down from an empty area - add/remove modules within a rectangular area from the selection
  • Ctrl + Shift + Drag mouse with left button down from an empty area - cut connections crossed by the dragged line
  • Shift + Move module - move module with snapping to the other modules; snap distance can be changed or snapping can be turned off in File > Properties \ Flow Editing
  • Insert | Ctrl + Left double-click on an empty area - insert module
  • Delete - delete selected modules
  • Ctrl + Delete - delete the selected single module while keeping the connections passed through it
  • Left double-click on a simple compound - enter the compound
  • Left double-click on an empty area - leave the compound
  • Alt + Left double-click on a linked compound - open compound for in-place editing and enter it
  • Alt + Left double-click on a shader - open shader in a new tab
  • Ctrl + G - group selected modules into a compound while keeping their connections via adding exposures
  • Ctrl + Shift + G - ungroup a compound while keeping its connections
  • Ctrl + K - lock the position of a module on the screen - it will stay put when the view is panned
  • Ctrl + Shift + K - unlock the position of a module
  • Ctrl + C - copy selected modules to the clipboard along with their internal connections
  • Ctrl + X - cut selected modules to the clipboard along with their internal connections
  • Ctrl + V - paste modules from the clipboard
  • Tab - hide/show all side panels

Search Panel

  • Tab - switch between search modes: Name, Index, Type, File
  • Ctrl + Tab - switch between Local and Global search mode
  • Letters/digits - typing in one or more search keywords.
  • Up/down arrow keys / PageUp/PageDown / Home/End - navigate in the search results list; the highlighted module moved to the center of the screen in the Flow Editor
  • Right arrow key - mark the highlighted module
  • Left arrow key - unmark the highlighted module
  • Ctrl + Right arrow key - mark all modules in the search results list
  • Ctrl + Left arrow key - unmark all modules in the search results list
  • Ctrl + Shift + Right arrow key - invert all markings
  • Shift + Up/down arrow keys / PageUp/PageDown / Home/End - mark a range of the search results list
  • Enter - make the highlighted module or the marked modules selected in the Flow Editor.
  • Esc - close Search Panel

Control Board

  • Drag the mouse with the middle button down - pan the view
  • Ctrl + Drag mouse with middle button down - pan the view using a minified map
  • Mouse wheel - zooming the view
  • Ctrl + NumPad0 - set the default zoom
  • Ctrl + NumPad+ - magnify the view
  • Ctrl + NumPad- - minify the view
  • Ctrl + A - select all modules in the current view
  • Ctrl + D - deselect all
  • Ctrl + Delete - remove selected modules from the Control Board (but they remain intact at their source location)

Pin Values / Dashboard panel (Property Editor)

  • Home, End, up/down arrow keys - step up/down between the properties
  • Left/right arrow keys - step the selected numeric property, +Shift 10x, +Ctrl 100x, +Ctrl+Shift 0.1x step
  • Space - Trigger: signaling, Logical and numeric: stepping
  • Enter - enter the edit box of the property

Numeric Editors

  • Drag the mouse up/down with the left button down - increasing/decreasing the numeric value, +Shift 10x, +Ctrl 100x, +Ctrl+Shift 0.1x speed. +Alt change the digit at the cursor
  • Up/down arrow keys - increasing/decreasing the numeric value, +Shift 10, +Ctrl 100, +Ctrl+Shift 0.1 step. +Alt change the digit at the cursor
  • Enter - apply the value entered and leave the edit box
  • Esc - cancel the value entered and leave the edit box

3D Scene Editing

3D Scene editing shortcuts work when Edit Scene On is used.

Camera Mover

Documented in the Camera Mover Mouse Control page.

In the output/preview selected for editing

    • S - selection mode on/off

Only in selection mode

    • Left click - select an individual object
    • Ctrl + Left click - add/remove an object from the selection
    • Ctrl + Shift + Left click - moves and snaps selected object to the clicked position
    • U - select the parent of the currently selected object
    • M - select the shader of the currently selected object
    • Ctrl + D - deselect all
    • Q - world mode on/off
    • W - translate mode
    • E - rotate mode
    • R - scale mode
    • P - pivot mode
    • X, Y, Z - restrict operations to the selected axis' on/off
    • C - only in pivot mode: puts pivot in the center of the object's bounding box
    • B - only in pivot mode: puts pivot in the bottom center of the object's bounding box

When dragging object handles

    • + Ctrl - snap to invisible grid; works only when Wrd - World is selected; grid can be resized with the Translation, Rotation, and Scale Grid options in File > Properties \ Scene Editing
    • + Shift - 0.1x speed
    • + Ctrl + Shift - 0.01x speed

Sequence / Curve Editors

Detailed descriptions of these editors can be found in the Sequencer and Sequence Editor documentation.


    • Drag mouse with middle button down - horizontally: pan timeline, vertically: pan tracks
    • Shift + Drag mouse with middle button down - vertically over a track: pan track value range
    • Ctrl + Drag mouse with middle button down - horizontally: zoom timeline, vertically over a track: zoom track value range
    • Mouse wheel: roll tracks
    • Shift + Mouse wheel: over a track: roll track value range
    • Ctrl + Mouse wheel: over a track: zoom track value range
    • Ctrl + A - if a track group is selected: select all track groups; if a track is selected: select all tracks; if a part is selected: select all parts of the containing track; if a key is selected: select all keys of the containing part; if a marker is selected: select all markers
    • Ctrl + Shift + A - if a part is selected: select all parts of the entire sequence; if a key is selected: select all keys of the entire containing track
    • Ctrl + D - deselect all
    • A - if a track is selected: zoom the track to the value range of all the keys contained by the track; if a part or key is selected: zoom the track to the value range of the keys contained by the part
    • Shift + A - if a track, part, or key is selected: zoom the track to its default value range
    • Enter - Play/Stop; when stopped, the playing position jumps back to the cursor
    • Space - Play/Stop; when stopped, the cursor jumps to the playing position
    • Ctrl + Space - Play/Pause
    • Alt + Home | B - move Loop Start to Cursor
    • Alt + End | N - move Loop End to Cursor
    • Ctrl + Home - move Cursor to Loop Start
    • Ctrl + End - move Cursor to Loop End
    • Home / End - move Cursor to the previous/next part boundary
    • Shift + Home / End - select previous/next part without moving the Cursor
    • PageUp / PageDown - move Cursor to the previous/next key and select that key
    • Ctrl + PageUp / PageDown - select the previous/next key without moving the Cursor
    • Shift + PageUp / PageDown - move the Cursor to the previous/next marker
    • Ctrl + Shift + PageUp / PageDown - select the previous/next marker without moving the Cursor
    • Left/right arrow keys - if a part, key, or marker is selected: step the selected object; otherwise: step Cursor. The step size depends on the current timeline zoom. Objects: +Shift 10x, +Ctrl 100x step; Cursor: +Shift small time ticks, +Ctrl large time ticks
    • Up/down arrow keys - if a key is selected: step the value of the key. The step size depends on the current value range zoom of the track. +Shift 10x, +Ctrl 100x step
    • S - Snap-on/off  - snap distance can be changed in File > Properties \ Sequence Editing
    • Shift + Drag an object - switch snapping temporarily to the opposite of the current Snap setting; snap distance can be changed or snapping can be turned off in File > Properties \ Sequence Editing
    • Q - Quantize on/off
    • L - Looping on/off
    • F - Follow on/off
    • Ctrl + Alt + Shift + R - reset layout

Header (Timeline)

    • Drag the mouse with the left button down from an empty area - select objects within a time range
    • Shift + Drag mouse with left button down from an empty area - adding objects within a time range to the selection
    • Ctrl + Drag mouse with the left button down from an empty area - set the loop range
    • Left double-click - move Cursor to the clicked position

Track Headers

    • Left click - select an individual track
    • Ctrl + Left click - add/remove track from the selection
    • Shift + Left click - select a range of tracks

Part Editing

    • Right Click - select an individual part
    • Ctrl + Right click - add/remove part from the selection
    • Drag the mouse with the right button down from an empty area - select parts within a rectangular area
    • Shift + Drag mouse with the right button down from an empty area - add parts within a rectangular area to the selection
    • Ctrl + Drag mouse with the right button down from an empty area - add/remove parts within a rectangular area from the selection
    • Alt + Right click - insert a part at the mouse position
    • Drag the boundary of a part with the right button down - resize the part while keeping the positions of its keys
    • Shift + Drag the boundary of a part with the right button down - resize the part while stretching the positions of its keys
    • Ctrl + Drag the boundary of a part with the right button down - resize the part while shifting the positions of its keys
    • Delete - delete selected parts
    • Alt + PageUp/PageDown - if a single part is selected: move the starting/ending boundary of the part to the Cursor
    • T - split selected parts at Cursor
    • Shift + T - join selected parts
    • Ctrl + C - copy selected parts to the Clipboard
    • Ctrl + X - cut selected parts to the Clipboard
    • Ctrl + V - paste parts from the Clipboard at the mouse position

Key Editing

    • Left click - select an individual key
    • Ctrl + Left click - add/remove a key from the selection
    • Drag the mouse with the left button down from an empty area - select keys within a rectangular area
    • Shift + Drag mouse with left button down from an empty area - add keys within a rectangular area to the selection
    • Ctrl + Drag mouse with left button down from an empty area - add/remove keys within a rectangular area from the selection
    • Alt + Left click - insert a key to the curve under the mouse at the mouse position
    • Alt + Ctrl + Bal mouse click - insert keys to all the curves of the part at the mouse position
    • Drag a key with left button - move the key both horizontally and vertically
    • Shift + Drag a key with the left button - move the key only horizontally or vertically depending on the direction of the first move
    • Left double-click on a numeric key - select the key and focus on its value editor box
    • Left double-click on a color key - select the key and show the color selector dialog
    • Left double-click on a logical key - select the key and toggle its value
    • Shift + Left double-click on a key - move the Cursor to the key
    • Insert - insert keys to all the curves within the selected tracks to Cursor when the sequencer is stopped, or to the playing position when the sequencer is running
    • Delete - delete selected keys
    • Ctrl + C - copy selected keys to the Clipboard
    • Ctrl + X - cut selected keys to the Clipboard
    • Ctrl + V - paste keys from the Clipboard at the mouse position

Marker Editing

    • Left click - select an individual marker
    • Ctrl + Left click - add/remove a marker from the selection
    • Alt + Left click on the timeline - insert a marker at the mouse position
    • Left double-click on a marker - select the marker and focus on its text editor box
    • Delete - delete selected markers
    • Insert - if there is no selection, insert a marker to the Cursor when the sequencer is stopped, or to the playing position when the sequencer is running
    • Ctrl + C - copy selected markers to the Clipboard
    • Ctrl + X - cut selected markers to the Clipboard
    • Ctrl + V - paste markers from the Clipboard at the mouse position


These shortcuts work even when Watchdog is not the focused application

Watched application can be: Performer, Exhibitor, Server

  • Alt + NumPad 0 - kill watched application
  • Ctrl + NumPad 0 - kill the watched application and restart it with the latest auto snapshot
  • Ctrl + NumPad 1 .. 9 - kill the watched application and restart it with the auto snapshot with the given index backward in time
  • Ctrl + NumPad. - kill the watched application and restart it with the special snapshot specified in the application
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