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Startup Configuration



Aximmetry Composer Startup Configuration is the first window that appears when we start Aximmetry Composer. Some of the other Aximmetry programs also have customized Startup Configuration windows (e.g. Aximmetry Camera Calibrator, Aximmetry Basic Calibrator, Aximmetry Launcher). As Aximmetry Composer Startup Configuration comprises all features available across every version of the Startup Configuration window, we will focus on this one.

Here we can find the most important settings of our system. In the case of Aximmetry Composer, most of these settings can be modified from inside the program as well.

Video Outputs

First, we see the Video Outputs settings where we can manage the possible display outputs of our system.

On the top of this window, we can set up the Multi-GPU mode. You can learn about Multi-GPU here: Outputs and Channels, Multi-GPU

During this startup, there is an identification tag in the top left corner of each listed output that shows which output it is and which graphic card it is connected to. Also, the resolution and the numbering (index) of the video output device are displayed.

With this magnifier glass button we can identify the listed displays more easily by displaying identification tags fullscreen.

If we click on the numbered buttons the corresponding display blinks a few times to help us find them. This feature is most useful when we have many displays connected to our computer.

In this list, we can see every monitor and video output device connected to our system with the corresponding resolutions and refresh rates (and connected GPUs in multi-GPU mode).

In the Mode column, the fields are displaying the current resolution and framerate set for the Video output devices.
The dark gray fields cannot be modified because they are showing settings that are controlled by Windows.
The light gray fields allow us to set up the channel resolution (indicated by how many pixels they have vertically) and the framerate of the selected video output device.
Clicking on the three dots behind the data a dialogue box comes up where we can select from the possible settings.

In the “Index” drop-down list, we can specify with what index number a video output device will be listed in the system or if we want to use it as an output at all. (More on this topic: Outputs and Channels, Multi-GPU)

Available index numbers range from #1 to #99.

On the right side, we can find the radio buttons for the Sync function. Only an Indexed Output can be synced. When a video output is marked with Sync, the system will align its internal rendering framerate to that hardware video output's frequency and mode (interlaced or progressive).
It will be important later because this is the way to get a smooth production output. If we don't set any of the Indexed Outputs to Sync then the global setting of Aximmetry will be used for rendering framerate.

You can only select one of the Indexed Outputs for Syncing with the radio buttons below:

The Manage Devices button opens a dialogue where we can define and set up connected devices and other services:

More about devices:
Introduction to Setting Up Inputs / Outputs for Virtual Production
Introduction to Tracking

The "0" and "A" buttons over the GPU and Index columns clear and auto-allocate the fields below them. (Auto-allocation assigns numbers for the fields in ascending order from top to bottom.)

Remote Renderers

By selecting the Remote Renderers tab we can set up Aximmetry for a Multi-Machine environment.

Here is how a possible configuration may look:

multimach image27.png

Detailed information about this topic Multi-Machine Setup

Device Mapper

By selecting the Device Mapper tab we can map and set up connected devices in many categories.

Detailed information about this topic: Mapping Devices


Project Root Folders

By selecting the Preferences tab we can manage the Project Root Folders and the logging preferences of Aximmetry.

Here we can add, change, and remove locations from which the system can gather the project files and folders.

More about project files and folders: Project System, File Browser, File Operations


In the lower part of the window, we can specify logging preferences.

Create Log File

Aximmetry starts to log to a file automatically when we start it. After the first entries, it continues only if we check this "Create log file" field to write Aximmetry logs to a text file.
The default path of the output folder of the text files is C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\Documents\Aximmetry\Log\Aximmetry.Composer\

The naming of these log files indicates the date and time of creation using the following format: year_month_day__hour_minute_second (e.g. 2023_03_13__12_47_21).

Logging Level

Logging level allows the specification of the lowest level of logs that should be recorded in this file. Log levels are in ascending order: Info 1, Info 2, Info 3, Message, Highlight, Warning, Error.

Log Files Max. Count

Log files max. count allows the specification of the maximum number of log files kept in this directory.

After reaching the maximum number of log files, the oldest log file will automatically be deleted when a newer one is created.

Manage Settings...

The Manage Settings button opens a dialogue box where we can back up and restore different settings :

Finishing the configuration

In the bottom right corner we have 3 buttons: Start, Quit, and Apply.
The Start button saves the modifications we made and starts Aximmetry Composer.
The Quit button discards our modifications and exits.
The Apply button saves the modifications we made while we stay in this window.

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