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Who Works with Aximmetry?



Aximmetry covers a broad spectrum of the virtual production workflow so it's worth distinguishing a couple of areas for people working with it.
Generally, we consider three main roles:

  • Studio Operators
  • Scripter Engineers
  • Graphics Artists

If you are interested in one or more of these roles you can find many useful documents in our online knowledge base (see links later).

You can go even deeper if you arrange online training with us by contacting

Studio Operators

Studio Operators run the production during show time. 
Some of their responsibilities:

  • Configuring studio hardware (e.g. cameras, tracking devices, video output devices, external controllers) in & out of Aximmetry.
  • Calibrating lenses and tracking devices
  • Setting up the input/output devices
  • Setting up chroma keyer
  • Recording video, audio, and tracking data
  • Trigger actions during showtime (e.g. switching between cameras, trigger show elements, etc.)

You can learn more about the basic control of Aximmetry, starting here:
Aximmetry Composer

You can learn more about the Studio Operators' tasks here:
Introduction to Setting Up Inputs / Outputs for Virtual Production
Introduction to Tracking
Introduction to Green Screen Production
Introduction to LED Wall Production
Introduction to AR Production
Introduction to Multi-Machine Environment

Scripter Engineers

A Scripter's role is to build and tweak Aximmetry projects for the special needs of the production.
Their main tasks:

  • Creating Aximmetry projects
  • Preparing automation of the virtual studio scene
  • Building virtual production logic (e.g. switches, buttons, etc. used by the Studio Operator)
  • Tweaking 3D rendering performance
  • Creating animation and camera movement sequences

You can learn more about the basics of Scripting, starting here:
Aximmetry Composer

You can learn more about Scripting here:
Introduction to Scripting in Aximmetry

Graphics Artists

A Graphics Artist's role is to create the virtual reality part of a project. This role is about:

  • Creating the scene from scratch using 3D modeling software (e.g. 3DSMax, Blender, Unreal Engine).
  • Acquiring and adapting scenes. (Free or Paid)
  • Optimizing 3D models for use of virtual production.

You can learn more about these tasks here:
Introduction to Obtaining Graphics and Virtual Assets

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