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Aximmetry Software Package



Aximmetry is not just one software, but the whole package for your entire virtual production workflow.

Below is a list of all the Aximmetry Applications that you can get with Aximmetry licenses and their description.

Applications Included in Aximmetry Editions

Aximmetry Editions such as Studio, Professional, and Broadcast, including both SE and DE licenses, contain the following applications.

Basic Calibrator

Part of the Broadcast Edition.

Our manual lens calibrator software. You can calibrate zoom, focus, and adjust for center shift with it.

NOTE: To learn more about how to use it, you can refer to the Basic Calibrator document.

Camera Calibrator

Part of the Broadcast and Calibrator Edition.

Our all-new Camera Calibrator software. It can automatically calculate lens distortion, zoom, and tracking while its continuous development ensures the further extension of its capabilities. All you have to do is follow the on-screen instructions and provide a set of images to the application to do its magic (just move the camera and click "next").

NOTE: To learn more about it, you can refer to the Camera Calibrator document.


The core of Aximmetry. In most cases, this is the software you are working with. We use it to import and create graphics, create and manage scripts (features and functions created for compounds \ projects), and operate virtual scenes during production. You can refer to Introduction to Starting with Aximmetry to learn about the basics of its operation.

Dependency Manager

The Dependency Manager is used to manage the references of linked compounds (a special type of compound file used only by Aximmetry) and the packages. To make life simpler, we provide turnkey solutions in complex cases. This application can be used to manage the "background" of these turnkey solutions (associated files of the linked compounds) as you can create easy solutions / linked compounds as well.


Aximmetry Installer is the application used for installing Aximmetry package files (e.g. content packages, virtual scenes bought from Aximmetry).


Aximmetry Launcher is one of the two applications used exclusively with Multi Machine setups. It has to run on all the render machines, as it is responsible for launching, restarting, and stopping the rendering on the render machines (in the context of Multi Machine setup, machines are used by us as a synonym for computers).


The Observer is a application that runs in the background of Aximmetry. In case of a fatal error of Aximmetry or Unreal Editor for Aximmetry it creates a dump file if you request it, then terminates the process. Dump files are designed to contain all the necessary information that we need to determine the cause of such errors, allowing us to provide you with a solution in these cases.


The Packager is used to create package files. Packages are self-containing files that can contain anything from a simple module, through more complex compounds to complete ready-made virtual scenes. Package files can be installed by Aximmetry.Installer.


The Pilot is a simplified version of the Composer that only allows access to the Control Boards for the operation of the virtual scene. Without access to the Flow Editor, the studio operator cannot modify the content of the scene.


The Renderer is one of two applications used exclusively with Multi-Machine setups. It is essentially a Composer without a user interface doing mostly computing / rendering tasks. It also manages the communication between the control and renderer machines.

Version Manager

The Version Manager can modify and uninstall different versions of Aximmetry. It can also set the target installed version of Aximmetry for file associations, determining, for example, which version of Aximmetry will open .xcomp files when clicking on them.


Watchdog is an application that runs in the background of Aximmetry. In case of abnormal termination of a process (e.g. fatal error, crash, freeze) it terminates the process and quickly starts a new one reloading the same project. This ensures that even in case of a freeze/crash of Aximmetry, the production can continue automatically (without personal intervention) within seconds. This quick restart process also reacts to hotkeys, so it can be launched manually as well. It's also able to automatically report via email (useful in case of automatic video installations).

The Watchdog can be used together with the following software:

  • Aximmetry Composer,
  • Multi-machine setups (used with Aximmetry Composer).

NOTE: In order to use the Watchdog with e.g. Aximmetry Composer, use the /watch Command Line Switch.
NOTE: You can refer to the Keyboard Shortcuts document to learn more about the use of Watchdog.

Standalone Aximmetry Applications

Standalone Aximmetry applications typically require an individual purchase to access. While they are designed to be used in extension with the Aximmetry Editions, they can also be used with third-party applications of your choice.

Aximmetry Camera Calibrator

NOTE: Also part of the Aximmetry Broadcast Edition.

As a standalone application, the results of the calibration process can be used in third-party applications. Available in the form of a yearly rental.

NOTE: To learn more about it, you can refer to the Camera Calibrator document.

Aximmetry Eye

Aximmetry Eye is an iOS mobile application currently available for iOS device users (e.g. iPhone, iPad, etc...), capable of transmitting video and tracking data to, but also receiving video streams from Aximmetry Composer. Access to the full feature set requires a my.aximmetry account.
Watermark removal subscriptions are available as in-app purchases.

NOTE: To learn more about it, you can refer to the What is Aximmetry Eye and How to Use it? document.

Aximmetry Gateway

Aximmetry Gateway is a standalone application capable of transmitting video, tracking, and controller data to, and receiving video from another computer. It can be used in cases where the device inputs are available on one computer, but the production via Aximmetry Virtual Production Platform (any edition) or third-party software is done on a different one.

NOTE: To learn more about it, you can refer to the Using Aximmetry Gateway document.

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