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Welcome to Aximmetry Knowledge Base



Aximmetry Knowledge Base is the official Aximmetry software documentation, a collection of articles that will guide you through your virtual production with Aximmetry. It can be accessed directly from our website, under the "Learn" tab:

If you are in the early steps of considering and acquiring information on Virtual Production generally, you can learn more about it here: Definition of Virtual Production and its Benefits

SPECIAL NOTE: We are still in a transition period, moving to an easier-to-follow, new Knowledge Base structure.

We would like to encourage you to explore our new structure under the Virtual Production Workflow category.

You can still find some older documents under the Tutorials category that will be updated and fit into the new structure in the near future.

About the Structure

The structure of the Knowledge Base (KB) was built with the approach that you should follow it from the beginning. We will introduce concepts, notions, and settings in chronological order from the time you have the idea to create a virtual production to the end of the post-process work.

We provide a quick overview of each and every category of the WIKI in the following document:
From Ideas to Results With Aximmetry

Using the Knowledge Base

At the beginning of each category, you will find an Introduction page. These pages give you an overview of the location and content of the given category. With this, you can easily progress along the way of creating your virtual production. You can also find a list of all articles in the category.

There might be a case where you find yourself in the middle of a document that has a lot of information that is already explained in other documents. In these cases, we add links to the document, so you can navigate to the page where the property or feature is explained. We also strongly recommend starting from the beginning of the categories.

Table of Contents

On the left side of the Knowledge Base page, you can navigate in the hierarchy of the Knowledge Base, seeing the categories in a cascading style.

Article content

At the beginning of some articles, you will find a notification with a red border indicating that the article is in beta state. This means that the article contains the correct information, but we are planning to expand it or/and elaborate on parts of it soon.

On the right side of each article page, you can navigate inside the article, finding the paragraph titles in the hierarchy.

Information on New Articles

We also include information on software version updates and Knowledge Base updates in the Software Version History which is updated at every release.

Reporting Issues and Requesting Articles

Please help us improve the Aximmetry Knowledge Base by sending us issue reports or requests for articles to

Article content

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