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HTC Vive Mars Setup



Vive Mars is a camera tracking product developed by HTC. Some of the hardware used in Vive Mars is derived from HTC's Vive virtual reality headset tracking technology. However, while the Vive headset hardware can be used for tracking with Aximmetry, Vive Mars provides additional capabilities and features beyond what the Vive headset hardware can offer.

This page will discuss how to set up Vive Mars in Aximmetry. On how to set up Vive Mars hardware visit HTC's own documentation.  

To set up tracking with HTC's Vive virtual reality headset, head over to the HTC Vive Setup page.



First, on the Mars dashboard, tap Settings and check your Software version. Make sure you have Mars Software version 2.03.999.1 or later installed.

Then on the Mars dashboard, tap Network (or tap the Mars IP when the network is active), and then tap Camera tracking protocols.

Turn on FreeD and enter your computer's IP address.


Open Aximmetry's Manage Devices.

In the Manage Device, select Free-D under Camera Tracking, and then click Add.
In the UDP port field, enter the Port number that appears on the Camera tracking protocols screen of the Mars dashboard.

Set the Camera ID to your Vive Rover's ID:

Now, Aximmetry is ready to use Vive Mars's tracking as a Tracking Device in camera compounds, modules, and in the Camera Calibrator.

FIZTrack Lens Encoder

When the FIZTrack lens encoder connects successfully to Mars, a gear icon will appear next to the rover utilizing the lens encoder:

Subsequently, Aximmetry will automatically receive the relevant zoom and focus data.
NOTE: It is not necessary to configure a Zoom Encoder device within Aximmetry, as Vive Mars transmits FIZTrack's zoom and focus data directly through the Free-D of the camera tracking.

Genlock and Timecode

If you have an external sync generator connected to Vive Mars's REF input, then the genlocked status is displayed here:

NOTE: In our example, the system is genlocked to 29.97 frames per second.

More on genlocking here: Syncing and Genlock

Timecode displays the timecode from a connected camera or sync generator:

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